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This section describes known issues on Aeon and their solutions.


Aeon has a strong focus on stability, but if in rare cases something goes wrong or a new update causes problems, this is not a problem because you can easily rollback to an older snapshot using Aeon's built-in rollback feature.

If a new update causes problems, we strongly recommend that you simply rollback the system and wait a few days for the problem to be fixed.


Do not use snapper for rollbacks!

There are two simple ways to perform a rollback:

Rollback using the systemd-boot menu

One of the easiest ways is to simply press and hold space while booting. This will open a menu where you can see all the snapshots listed. By simply navigating using the arrow keys and pressing Enter, you can easily rollback to an older snapshot.

Perform this command inside the desired snapshot if you want it to be pinned as the "newest" snapshot:

  # sudo transactional-update rollback

Rollback using the Terminal

To display all snapshots available for rollback, you can exceptionally use snapper:

  # sudo snapper list

You can now perform the rollback using transactional-update:

  # sudo transactional-update rollback $NUM

Use 'last' instead of the snapshot number to rollback to the last working snapshot.

Set hostname

Set your hostname with the following command, as currently it doesn't work from Gnome Settings yet:

  # sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new name>

Reboot and hostname change will take effect.

Adjust transactional-update.timer

Depending on your daily use case, the Timer may not trigger the automatic update process successfully even with persistent=true because it adds a randomized delay at each boot with RandomizedDelaySec

If you want automatic daily updates to your system, you may find that you need to adjust that delay mentioned.

Edit transactional-update.timer:

  # sudo systemctl edit transactional-update.timer

Add the following lines to create a override.conf (located in /etc/systemd/system/transactional-update.timer.d/override.conf)


The example above is for a randomized delay of max. 10 minutes. (Default value is 2h)

Change the time to your use case.

Steam flatpak opens, but can't start games

In case you run into this issue, where Steam opens, but games are not launching - that otherwise would - make sure that the Steam flatpak is allowed to run in the background:

  # flatpak permission-set background background com.valvesoftware.Steam yes