HCL:Virtual machines

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Full systems Laptops - Desktops - Servers - Virtual Machines
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VM Software Host OS SUSE Linux
(Guest OS)
(Virtual) Hardware Support Remark:
Video Sound Network Other
VMware 5 Windows 10.0 Beta 2 Icon-checked.png
VMware 5 Linux 10.0 Beta 2 Icon-checked.png
VMware 5 Linux 10.0 RC1 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png
VMware 5.5.0 build 16958 Windows 10.0 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png
VMware 6.5 Windows 11.1 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png
VMware 6.5.1 Windows 11.1 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png See further notes
VMware Player 2.0.2 build-59824 Windows XP 10.3 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Better test server to carry around on XP laptop than native xAMPP
VMware Player 3.0.1 Opensuse All Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png
VMware Player VMware-Player-3.1.4-385536.x86_64.bundle Opensuse 11.4 All Linux and Windows XP,7 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD,USB Can also do shared folders with Windows Guests.
VMware Player 4.0.1-528992x86_64.bundle Opensuse 12.1 All Linux and Windows XP and 7. Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD, USB Windows can do Shared Fpolders once VMware tools is installed.
VMware Server 1.0.2 / 10.3 / 10.4 Linux SuSE-10.2 SuSE-10.3 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD - Icon-checked.png USB - Icon-checked.png
VMware Server 1.0.2 / 10.3 / 10.4 Windows SuSE-10.2 SuSE-10.3 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD - Icon-checked.png USB - Icon-checked.png
Xen 2.05 Linux 9.3 Icon-question.png Icon-question.png Icon-checked.png
Virtual PC 5.1 Windows 10.0 Icon-checked.png Icon-question.png Icon-checked.png
Virtual PC 2007 (beta) Windows 10.2 alpha 5 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png see below
Virtual PC 2007 Windows 10.3 Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png see below
Parallels Workstation 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 Linux Any Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Offical SUSE support
Parallels Workstation 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 Windows Any Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Offical SUSE support
Parallels Workstation 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 Mac Any Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Offical SUSE support
VirtualBox 1.5.x Windows/Linux Any Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD - Icon-checked.png buggy GuestVM Additions
VirtualBox 4.0.x Mac Any Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png Icon-checked.png CD/DVD - Icon-checked.png GuestVM Additions need reinstallation to work.

VMWare 6.5.1

Modules & VMWare service not loading after reboot
There are a few reasons why this might happen.
#1 The modules were not built correctly
Make sure you have
zypper install gcc
zypper install kernel-source
before you start.
Next, (as root) run
mv /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary.old
VMWare should pop up a window indicating that it is rebuilding the modules and then you should be good to go.
#2 The VMWare service requires the networking services to be up before it loads
Disable IPv6 unless you are using it
yast->network settings->Global Options->Uncheck Enable IPv6
Next, if you use DHCP
yast -> network settings -> overview -> edit -> DHCP Version 4 and 6 -> DHCP version 4 only
I also had to do this before VMWare started every time
yast -> System Services (Runlevel) -> vmware -> disable -> hit ok -> re-open System Services (runlevel) -> vmware -> enable -> hit ok
On the next boot, the VMWare service should be up and running every time.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

In Virtual PC 2007 beta, when creating custom machine, I could not change the memory from 0 Mb. This can easily be done manually in the config file after creating it. The issue with sound I haven't verified to be 10.2 Alpha 5 only issue or Virtual PC issue.Virtual PC is available from here for free. --Pflodo

WARNING: With newer Linux kernels (openSUSE 10.3), your mouse will not work. Workaround: add "i8042.noloop" as a kernel boot parameter.

Sound Blaster 16 must be manually installed via Yast, it is not auto-detected.

openSUSE 11.0 will fail. Workaround kernel parameters: "noreplace-paravirt i8042.noloop clock=pit". Even then mouse will be unresponsive. If anyone knows what else can be done to improve user experience, please add here. --Technologov


See Also

Setting up VMware on SUSE Linux
VirtualBox on openSUSE guide NOTE: This is part of Lessons for Lizards project, and will be included in openSUSE 10.3 and newer.