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Crowbar is a platform for server provisioning and deployment from bare metal. It is of particular use in automating deployments of OpenStack. See http://crowbar.github.com/ for more details. The openSUSE Cloud project component Crowbar relies on Chef to manage its systems.

We at openSUSE provide the necessary packages in the openSUSE Build Service to install Crowbar on openSUSE directly from the repository.

Currently there is only one Crowbar project in the Build Service:

This contains unstable packages for Crowbar 2.0 which is currently under development, and also packages for all of its dependencies, which are linkpac'd from the following projects:

Want to take part in the development process?

Contributions are very welcome. You should first join the Crowbar community, since everything is very much under flux at the time of writing (January 2013).

If you want to commit changes to the systemsmanagement:crowbar:2.0 project, just branch the package you want to work on. With a submitrequest you can bring your contribution back to the project.