openSUSE:Research tasks 2011

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Find the target users of openSUSE medical (clinic or private practice) and type of software they need

  • The problem: openSUSE medical project supports the use of openSUSE in doctor's practices and other clinical environments. We want to know what type of software a doctor needs (depending on specialty) so next version of openSUSE medical will include it.
  • Background: You must create a survery of 10-15 questions (you can use Google Docs) and then ask 10-15 doctors. When you will have the results, you will check the list of the provided open source software and choose the one or more that fill the needs of the most doctors
  • Time to complete: 1 week
  • Completed when: You will have the name of the software descibed above
  • Mentor: Diamond_gr Talk - Contributions
  • Status: Open
  • Difficulty Hard

Research about community and distribution

  • The problem: Many people started using SUSE but over the years changed to other distributions. With this survey we can find out some reasons, we can learn new ideas how to improve the community and the distro.
  • Background: The student must promote to mailing lists, forums or ask people he/she knows to fill the survey. When he/she will have 20 replies (or when the time to complete the task passed), he will be given Libre Office file with the answers. He/she must write a report with the results.
  • Time to complete: 3 days
  • Completed when: You will have the report ready
  • Mentor: Diamond_gr Talk - Contributions
  • Status: Open
  • Difficulty: Medium