openSUSE:Marketing meeting:2020-01-08

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Marketing meeting 2020-01-08

1. Print material, give aways

Material currently available for FOSDEM: MicroOS T-Shirts for FOSDEM, quite a few stickers, BEER, MicroOS/Kubic flyer, some openSUSE Magnets, Uyuni stickers and some beer coasters, Getting Started With Linux Magazines with 15.1, a few other flyers, Geeko, OBS popup banner

AI: ddemaio handles the logistics here already

1.1 Shop stuff

LCP has been working on getting new stuff to the shop, based on the poll.

AI: LCP to publish results of the shop stuff poll

1.2 Flyers for FOSDEM and Leap 15.2 release

A5 or A6 format, LCP will do something for FOSDEM, Simon H wants to help for long term project Leap 15.2 release flyers (April/May)

1.3 Leap 15.2 Beta: Promote beta testing

Beta testers can qualify for a free shirt by filling out the Leap questionnaire

AI: Doug will talk to Ludwig and Lubos to get the questionnaire extended (complete)

AI: LCP will work out some designs in the coming weeks

2. Articles for news-o-o

We want tutorials, booth reports, interviews and various other stuff like e.g. oS as a gaming platform being polished and well prepared for continous publishing on Anyone interested can pick a topic from the collection and start writing, either on his own or collaboratively.

AI: vinzv will start collecting stuff in an etherpad and inform marketing mailing list

For getting things going we need a few generic images for news-o-o

AI: ddemaio doing CfP

AI: vinzv pushing the topic to artwork mailing list

3. Translating material

We want to get translation team on board for help translating marketing material if necessary.

AI: vinzv to contact Stanislav for getting marketing stuff into Weblate

4. Press releases texts

We try to have the final version one month before release, so we can give a couple weeks for translations. The process for the release announcement works, but having more input is always better. ddemaio will probably begin to start the process in February to be ready by mid-April or late April.

Topics to pick from postponed for later meetings

  • Onboarding events
  • Wallpaper refresh
  • Wiki