openSUSE:LXQt labwc

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Installing LXQt Labwc

user@localhost:~> sudo zypper in lxqt-labwc-session

Will get you the labwc session, with some extra tools like labwc-tweaks and sddm-conf

user@localhost:~> sudo zypper in --no-recommends lxqt-labwc-session

Will install just the bare minimum needed to use LXQt-labwc

Go to "Session Settings" in the LXQt Control Center, and select the "Wayland Settings (Experimental)" Icon, and set "Wayland Compositor:" to labwc, and "Screenlock command:" to swaylock

Logout of LXQt, and select "LXQt (Wayland)" in sddm and login as normal.

Note: If you skip the step of pre-setting the compositor before logging out, when you attempt to login to the wayland session, you will be presented with the session settings control panel, to set it, and you will automatically be logged out. This is completely normal, just login again when you get back to sddm``

Default Keybindings for LXQt labwc

Ctrl-Shift-r    Reload labwc configuration file
Super-p         launch pcmanfm-qt
Super-Enter     launch alacritty (Is currently dual-bound to launch both qterminal and alacritty, alacritty will launch)
Super-f         launch featherpad
Alt-space       launch lxqt-runner
Alt-F2          launch lxqt-runner
Super-l         lock screen
F12             qterminal drop-down
Alt-F4          close window
Super-a         maximize window
Alt-left        Move window to left edge
Alt-right       Move window to right edge
Alt-up          Move window to top edge
Alt-down        Move window to bottom edge
Super-left      Snap window to left edge
Super-right     Snap window to right edge
Super-up        Snap window to top edge
Super-down      Snap window to bottom edge

Configuration Files

All configuration files for the compositor are contained in


The Primary file to be concerned with is


this is where keybindings, window behaviors, mouse/touchpad settings and other things are set.

There is currently not a Graphical (GUI) way to set these for the labwc session.


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