openSUSE:LUG Andorra
GNU/Linux User Group Andorra
The GNU/Linux User Group Andorra meets weekly in the capital of the country, Andorra la Vella. The main task is installing different distros to computers of interested users. Furthermore issues like installing printer or wifi drivers are solved. Talks about usage of standard freeware like LibreOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox and GIMP are common.
The group consists mainly of members of the international community of Andorra. It is open and free to everybody. The meeting is located in a non-smokers extra room of a restaurant without minimum consumption; water is free as well as parking. Languages spoken at the meeting and supported by the LUG-website are English, Catalan and Spanish.
The user group started in 2012 and organized two Linux Install Fests, both in 2014, and the first European Party belonging to the "Word Linux Day".
Weekly Meeting
- Mondays 6pm until 9pm
- Andorra la Vella; L'Aigüeta, Avinguda Tarragona 58-70
Past Events
- started in August 2012
- First extended Linux Install Party, January 13th 2014
- Second extended Linux Install Party, April 7th 2014
- World Linux Day in Andorra, August 23rd 2014
- Third Linux Install Party, June 29th 2015