openSUSE:KDE Meeting 20100902
Old action items
- llunak update meeting howto (meetbot, etc.)
- not done, done after the meeting
- wstephenson start KDE:45 project implementation discussion on list
- started, in progress
- kde-four-reloaded-team polish while waiting for KDE:45 to come on tap
- still waiting for KDE:45 repo
- wstephenson put package list in gitorious
- not done
- javier_ bugreport for yast to use oxygen icons in installer
- done
Replacing more openSUSE:Factory KDE3 packages with KDE4 versions
- there is still a number of Qt3/KDE3 based software in the openSUSE distribution
- some of those are obviously obsolete, unsupported or have Qt4/KDE4 counterparts
- a list of them is at openSUSE:Factory_KDE3_packages
- the list should be populated with information about the status of those packages, possibilities of their replacements and their usefulness
- AI: everybody add information to the list as appropriate
Status report
- KDE Platform, Workspaces and Applications 4.5.1 have been released
- KDE:Qt updated to Qt 4.7 rc1
- KDE3-specific mailing list
Action items
- wstephenson put package list in gitorious
- everybody add information to the list as appropriate