cb400f will announce the call for adoption of orphaned packages
javier_: Announce bug triage 13th-16th of August
llunak update meeting howto (meetbot, etc.)
not done
llunak lead discussion about KDE:45 repo on opensuse-kde list
discussion already started
wstephenson will send to the list the changes made on kde-four-live
not done, but communicated directly
Status report
KDE-Four-Live released
KDE SC 4.5.0 released
bug triage took place
Stopping fixing of KDE3
It's been suggested to stop fixing KDE3 packages/repos since it is perceived as maintaining and this may cause confusion making users unaware of the fact that KDE3 is not maintained in practice (upstream dead,etc)
The repository will see occassional fixes as long as people are interested in doing them
The only proper way to point people to the repository should be its http://en.opensuse.org/KDE3 wiki (and not e.g. the download.opensuse.org URL), so that users are aware of the repository's status