Announce bug triage 13th-16th of August (javier_, 16:44:26)
Status Report
wstephenson to add a start nepomuk button to the akonadi warning dialog -> Work-in-Progress (fixed an underlying bug that we mispackaged nepomuk itself)
llunak will post the conclusion around repository reorganization to the list (done)
javier run a bug triage (not done), date chosen: 13-16th, from Friday to Monday.
wstephenson will tell upstream about the kde-four-live cd to include it in the kde sc release announcement (done)
Q&A, Misc
Action items
cb400f will announce the call for adoption of orphaned packages
javier_: Announce bug triage 13th-16th of August
llunak update meeting howto (meetbot, etc.)
llunak lead discussion about KDE:45 repo on opensuse-kde list
remur_030 read llunak's mail on -project about what a strategy is about
wstephenson will send to the list the changes made on kde-four-live