openSUSE:Bugreport wicked
Wicked bugs may be filed under the Basesystem component.
What to include in bug reports
- A good description of the bug you are reporting and how to reproduce with last released update.
- On SLES: Please capture an attach a supportconfig (in supportutils package) without attempts to apply any workarounds or start network manually, ... first.
- Perform the following and upload the logs/output obtained:
# enable debugging, applied to wickedd*.service as well as to wicked.service aka network.service # (when requested in a bug report to enable debug level 2, use '{$1=debug2}' bellow) perl -i -lpe 's{^(WICKED_DEBUG)=.*}{$1=all};s{^(WICKED_LOG_LEVEL)=.*}{$1=debug}' /etc/sysconfig/network/config
# either reboot (to collect also kernel/detection logs since boot later): reboot
# or restart the daemons to apply the debug setting to the daemons (wickedd* services) systemctl restart wickedd # and use "--debug all" for direct wicked calls; not needed for network.service/wicked.service wicked --debug all ifup all
# collect the configuration -- remove (wireless) keys/password first tar -czf config-ifcfg.tgz /etc/sysconfig/network wicked show-config > config-dump.log
# collect the status wicked ifstatus --verbose all > status.log journalctl -b -o short-precise > journal.log ip addr show > ip_addr.log ip route show table all > routes.log rpm -qa | grep wicked > wicked-version.log
# collect firewall state grep . /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-* > bridge-nf.txt iptables-save > iptables.txt ip6tables-save > ip6tables.txt
# collect network card information hwinfo --netcard > hwinfo-netcard.log
# If the issue is related to the wireless networking please also perform following steps and provide /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log. # This action should be performed before reproducing of the problem. sed -e 's|/wpa_supplicant -c|/wpa_supplicant -dddt -c|g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant.service > /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart wpa_supplicant
In the Unlikely Event of a Coredump...
# install debuginfo package zypper in wicked-debuginfo libwicked-0-6-debuginfo wicked-debugsource
# decode the stack and attach bt.txt to the report gdb -ex 'bt full' -ex 'quit' -c /path_to_core $(gdb -c /path_to_core -ex "quit" 2>&1 | grep "generated by" | sed -e 's#.*[`]##g' -e 's#[ ].*##g') > bt.txt
# SLES: easier is to install supportutils package and use getappcore # and provide also a complete "system state" info using supportconfig: zypper in supportutils getappcore -v /path_to_core supportconfig