openSUSE:Bugreport SELinux
To report an issue with SELinux, please open a bug in Bugzilla. Please make sure you follow the guidelines below so that the bug can be found and processed quickly. We will then get back to you and request more information from you if needed.
You can use the bug creation template to open a bug quickly: SELinux bug creation template for Tumbleweed in Bugzilla at or
Summary line
Write a summary line that contains a [SELinux] prefix tag. An example for a valid summary line can be:
[SELinux] transactional-update can't run with selinux=permissive under cloud-init
Please state the following information in your bug's description:
- Operating System: you can find this with for example by running:
hostnamectl | grep "Operating System"
- SELinux status, mode and policy name: you can find this by running:
- SELinux policy version and repository: you can find this for example by running:
zypper info selinux-policy
- The software (incl. version) that is affected by the SELinux issue and the error message
- SELinux Audit log: you can retrieve the audit log using
The list of AVCs is fundamental! Please always provide this information in the bug.
E.g. to retrieve all SELinux violations since boot:
$ ausearch -ts boot -m avc,user_avc,selinux_err,user_selinux_err
- The exact steps to reproduce, i.e. how to configure and use the system to trigger the AVC
- Any other important details: e.g. what you were trying to accomplish when the error happened, other logs