openSUSE:Bugreport KVM

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This article covers how to file Virtualization bug reports for the KVM stack, including Kubevirt.

KVM Bug Reports

Bugs in Virtualization packages from the official openSUSE distribution should be reported to the openSUSE Bugzilla, indicating the Product and Version (OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, OpenSUSE Leap xx.xx, ...).

If you are unsure, try to reproduce on Tumbleweed and use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed as the Product name. Use Component "KVM" as your catch-all KVM stack Component, including for Kubevirt, it will be dispatched from there.

If you follow the following pointers the browser will prefill some defaults for you, for Tumbleweed and Leap respectively:

openSUSE Tumbleweed Bugzilla, Start Here!

openSUSE Leap Bugzilla, Start Here!

Pay attention to the following fields in particular:

Hardware Architecture and OS Version

Mention the hardware architecture (x86, ARM, ...) and the OS version for both the Host and the Guest.

If this information is not clearly stated and marked, it happens often that a lot of needless confusion is generated.

The "Product" field contains the Host OS and the "OS" field contains the Guest OS. If there is any confusion or the fields are not expressive enough, please enter the OS info for Host and Guest at the beginning of the Details field.

Also mark explicitly your logs and attachments as collected in the HOST or GUEST. For example: HOST_dmesg.txt GUEST_dmesg.txt GUEST_application_log.txt HOST_libvirt_qemu_domain.log ...

Bug Title / Summary

A good bug title, includes the major component if possible (if unknown, just type "KVM") and the main high level issue.


  • "kubevirt: virt-launcher container image download logs an ERROR on kubevirt upgrade and fails to start"
  • "libvirt: virsh start command seems to block forever"
  • "QEMU process segfaults on guest-initiated vm shutdown"
  • "KVM: guest VM does not seem to have the Intel AVX instructions available in the application"


A longer form of your Summary; try to be detailed but also to-the-point.

Add additional Virtualization or contextual information if needed and pertinent, like if you are using Nested Virtualization or just plain Virtualization, if you are using the hardware accelerator KVM or software TCG, and other information that could be key in understanding your context.

Reproducibility and Steps to Reproduce

This is very important and an overlooked section, especially for the difficult to reproduce bugs.

Please take the time to assess (if you can) how often it happens, and try to provide simple steps that are required to encounter the problem, in terms of terminal commands, or UI interactions (virt-manager).

Actual Results / Expected Results

Do not forget to explain clearly what output or behavior you get, and what you are expecting instead.

Be specific about where you are reading the information from, and what input from the machine gets you to think that there could be a problem.

Be explicit, include also the information that seems "obvious" (it might be for you and not for others).

Which attachments to include, and how to get them

Common debugging tasks

How to get QEMU threads state

More information