< openSUSE:ALP | Workgroups | Installation
- Ancor González Sosa
- Ladislav Slezak
- Imobach González Sosa
- Lukas Ocilka
- David Díaz González
- Knut Anderssen González
- Clemens Famulla-Conrad
- Please add yourself
- Status of documentation
- All information about possible visions (Iguana & D-Installer) and known requisites has been added to the work-group public page.
- Status of Iguana (initrd running containers) -
- No known progress since last meeting
- Ladislav to update the card with information about Github Actions.
- Status of D-Installer -
- Current main focus: splitting everything into separate components. See
- Next goal (right after previous point): submit to Factory. Should happen this or next week.
- Nobody has taken the card
- We are assuming that means everybody is fine with the name.
- The project will submitted to Factory with that name.
- Main concern in the work group: we are moving slow and not producing a concrete output
- Although no final decision is expected from the work group in the short term, we should be able at some point (sooner than later) to explain all the alternatives with pros and cons and to make a consistent technical proposal.
- The group doesn't have the perception that we are actually getting there, the research projects doesn't seem to move at the desired speed and the information doesn't flow as we would like, making collaboration hard.
- Remark: although we all have other responsibilities, ALP should be a priority.
- First decision: weekly meetings instead of bi-weekly ones. Ancor will open the discussion on the internal Slack channel although the simpler approach may be to simply have the meeting every Monday at the current time instead of every second Monday.