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Event Preps

openSUSE @ 76th International Trade Fair

The openSUSE Project is planning a community booth at the 76th International Trade Fair in Thessaloniki, Greece

General Information

About 76th International Trade Fair see the Helexpo page
  • Date: 10th - 18th September 2011
    • Booth Setup: 9th September
    • End: 18th September
    • Opening Times: 17.00-22.00 Mon-Fri, 10.00-22.00 Sat-Sun
  • Do we have a booth? YES
  • Who is organizing this event? Diamond_gr
  • Will there be any openSUSE related talks? No

More Info

Who will attend? Please fill in your name if you're going. And arrival & departure date & time so maybe you can share a train or cab, and we might organize a hotel together. In case you need travel support (see * below) fill in your travel costs.

travel cost*
Diamond_gr Thessaloniki
Master91 Thessaloniki
Panagiotis Pitelos Thessaloniki
AlexandroSuse Kastoria
Hrisa Alevropoulou Thessaloniki
Efagra Thessaloniki
Tampakrap Larisa
Antonis Tsiapaliokas Larisa
Giorgos Tsiapaliokas Larisa

  • travel costs in case you need reimbursement. Note that reimbursement money is scarce, don't ask for it if you don't really need it please! The organizer of this event must ask the openSUSE board (cc Jos Poortvliet) for a decision to reimburse travelers once it is clear how much will be needed.


Some material is needed for the booth setup. Please add things you are able to provide:

How much?
Diamond_gr PromoDVDs 300
Diamond_gr Stickers 50
Diamond_gr Flyers 400
Diamond_gr Posters 10 smaller posters

Please add the things which you may require from the international team. Be sure to share this with the -marketing list!

How much?

After the Event

76TIF // 76th TIF edit

  • Event Date 9-10 April 2011
  • openSUSE Ambassadors: Diamond_gr, Tampakrap, AlexandroSuse
  • Helpers: Master91, Panagiotis Pitelos, Hrisa Alevropoulou, Antonis Tsiapaliokas, Giorgos Tsiapaliokas, Efagra, AlexandroSuse
  • Event Details
    • Tell us about the event, What did you do? We were talking with people about open source and openSUSE and how can use it. Where they can find help.
    • How many DVDs taken and distributed? 300
    • How many people were there at the event: 20000 people (250000 official counted by organizers)
    • How did you promote the Event?
    • Any Interesting Story you will like to share with us? Many users (mainly advanced) that SUSE was their first distro ever. They remember that they bought the box with the manual.
    • Did you have a booth? Yes
    • Who staffed the booth? Diamond_gr, Vasilis, Panagiotis, Hrisa, Giorgos, Antonis, Efagra, Tampakrap, AlexandroSuse
    • Would you go again? Yes
    • What more can you do to make it better?
    • Other Comments like Will you blog about the event - and where? I will blog to the above places. Linux Inside, a magazine about open source, asked us for an interview about openSUSE community.

Common Questions Asked edit

  • Reasons why to install openSUSE and not Ubuntu?
  • How can I contribute? I don't know how to use Linux?
  • Why openSUSE is better than other distros?

76TIF Αρχεία edit

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