User talk:Luc14n0
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Supplementary License Short Identifiers List
Spec Files
Packagers usually come into contact with software licensing through RPM spec files. A spec file can declare the license(s) for the entire package or for individual subpackages. Licenses should be declared using SPDX (currently at version 3.0) shortname format.
The SPDX list is quite comprehensive, however there are some licenses that are not covered by it but you still can use it for either openSUSE Factory or openSUSE NonFree. Take a look at the SUSE Additional licenses (link to subpage).
If you still can't find a suitable license short name there, you should file a bug report through this link and choose License Issues from *
As well as using a predefined syntax for declaring licenses, openSUSE also recognizes a kind of license grammar in spec files. You can use operators such as 'and' to declare an aggregation of licenses, or 'or' to show that either one or the other license should be chosen. You can also use parentheses to gather licenses, for example:
License: (MIT or GPL-2.0) and LGPL-2.1+
This could be the declaration for a package with an executable binary and a corresponding LGPL-2.1+ licensed library.
Another thing to be aware of when you are writing spec files is that subpackages will inherit the main license of the package if the packager omits to enter a license specifically for that subpackage. This is not always ideal. For example, if you decide to create a separate subpackage for documentation, you should check if the documentation is licensed under e.g. GFDL-1.1 rather than the (e.g.) GPL-2.0+ license of the main package. It is advisable to always add a license to a subpackage - even if the subpackage is coincidentally under the same license as the main package. This makes it immediately obvious to anybody reading the spec file later.
Finally, license texts should ALWAYS be copied into the package. This is usually done by adding the filename to the %files
section using the %license
macro in the spec file. Licenses are often found in files with names such as COPYING
etc. See for a discussion around that.
SUSE Additions Subpage
This section's purpose is to show a list of SUSE additional license uses not covered by SPDX list.
Shortname | Identifier |
SUSE-Arphic | |
SUSE-BSD-3-Clause-with-non-nuclear-addition | BSD-3-Clause with addition which clarifies the software is not licensed for use in design, build or operation of nuclear facility |
SUSE-BSD-Mark-Modifications | BSD-Mark-Modifications |
SUSE-Bitstream-Vera | Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright. See |
SUSE-CC-Sampling-Plus-1.0 | Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 |
SUSE-CPL-0.5 | Common Public License 0.5 |
SUSE-CacertRoot | |
SUSE-Copyleft-Next-0.3.0 | |
SUSE-Curb | |
SUSE-DMTF | Distributed Management Task Force ( see ) |
SUSE-Docbook-XSL | Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Norman Walsh |
SUSE-EULA | SUSE End User License Agreement |
SUSE-Egenix-1.1.0 | Egenix Public License Agreement 1.1.0 (e.g. python-egenix-mx-base) |
SUSE-FHS | See for example, the "FHS" license here: |
SUSE-FLTK | Fltk |
SUSE-Firmware | Firmware license, redistributable unmodified |
SUSE-Free-Art-1.3 | |
SUSE-Freetype | Freetype |
SUSE-Freeware | Freeware license |
SUSE-GL2PS-2.0 | |
SUSE-GPL-2.0+-with-openssl-exception | GPLv2+ with openssl linking exception |
SUSE-GPL-2.0+-with-sane-exception | Sane contains many files with an exception to permit linking against proprietary libraries |
SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-FLOSS-exception | GPL-2.0-with-FLOSS-exception |
SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-OSI-exception | GPL-2.0 with linking exception for OSI licenses (see elfutils e.g.) |
SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-linking-exception | Copyright holder expressly allows GPL-2.0 component to be linked with components which are not GPL compatible |
SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-openssl-exception | SPDX does not have this exception |
SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-plugin-exception | Many GPL-2.0 licensed applications grant an exception that permits non-free plugins (e.g. from gstreamer) to be linked against them |
SUSE-GPL-3.0+-with-font-exception | GPLv3+ with exceptions (Fedora) |
SUSE-GPL-3.0+-with-openssl-exception | GPLv3+ with openssl linking exception |
SUSE-GPL-3.0-with-FLOSS-exception | GPL-3.0 with exceptions for certain FLOSS licenses |
SUSE-GPL-3.0-with-font-exception | GPL-3.0-with-font-exception |
SUSE-GPL-3.0-with-openssl-exception | GPLv3 with openssl linking exception (see e.g. courier-authlib 0.64.0) |
SUSE-GPL-3.0-with-template-exception | See e.g. dh-make from debian (debian/copyright) |
SUSE-Gitslave | Similar to LGPL-2.1 but without sections 3 and 13 |
SUSE-Gnuplot | Gnuplot |
SUSE-Hack-Open-Font-2.0 | |
SUSE-IBPL-1.0 | |
SUSE-IDPL-1.0 | |
SUSE-IEEE | Corresponds to |
SUSE-Innernet-2.0 | Inner Net License 2 |
SUSE-Innernet-2.00 | Inner Net License 2.00 |
SUSE-LDPL-2.0 | |
SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception | LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception |
SUSE-LGPL-2.1-with-digia-exception-1.1 | qtcreator November 2012 |
SUSE-LGPL-2.1-with-nokia-exception-1.1 | Part of the license choice in libqt4 |
SUSE-Liberation | LiberationFontsLicense (Fedora calls this the Liberation license - it will be easier to get it upstream if we adopt that) |
SUSE-MIT-Khronos | |
SUSE-Manpages | Manpages licenses (linux man pages e.g.) |
SUSE-Matplotlib | E.g. python -matplotlib -> LICENSE/LICENSE |
SUSE-MgOpen | MgOpen Fonts license (similar to Bitstream Vera but with additional language) Instead, you should distribute modifications as patches. This is permitted by Section 4 of the Open Source Definition |
SUSE-Oasis-Specification-Notice | Oasis-Specification-Notice |
SUSE-OldFSFDocLicense | Tracked by Fedora as OldFSFDocLicense (see |
SUSE-OpenPublication-1.0 | - note this is not the OPL-1.0 |
SUSE-PHP-2.02 | PHP 2.02 |
SUSE-Permissive | Must not be copyleft. Must not contain patent clauses of any nature. Most not limit ability to copy, modifiy, distribute (through multiple tiers of distribution) and distribute modified versions. Must not impose obligations such as 'advertising clauses' or anything that could be viewed as an 'additional restriction' under GPL-2.0+ or GPL-3.0+. Must not impose obligations such as modification by patch only, or reciprocal clauses. |
SUSE-Permissive-Modify-By-Patch | Similar to SUSE-Permissive but copyright holder has specified that modification is only allowed by patch |
SUSE-Public-Domain | Public Domain License. Freeware. |
SUSE-Python-1.6 | CNRI ( |
SUSE-QWT-1.0 | LGPL-2.1 with clarifications. See |
SUSE-Redistributable-Content | This license can _only_ be used for content (i.e. no code, no documentation). Provided there are no restrictions on free (re)distribution of the content, use this license. SUSE-Firmware is a subset of this category. |
SUSE-Repoze | |
SUSE-SGI-FreeB-2.0 | Fedora calls this MIT (it is very similar to the MIT) |
SUSE-SIP | SIP License. This is very similar to the Python Software Foundation license used for Python itself. |
SUSE-SNIA-1.0 | SNIA Public License ( |
SUSE-SNIA-1.1 | SNIA 1.1 |
SUSE-Scrot | Scrot license (advertising clause) |
SUSE-Sun-Laboratories | |
SUSE-TGPPL-1.0 | |
SUSE-TeX | |
SUSE-Ubuntu-Font-License-1.0 | |
SUSE-XDebug | |
SUSE-XFree86-with-font-exception | XFree86 with exception to clarify that a document embedding such fonts does not need to be licensed under the XFree86 license |
SUSE-XSL-Lint | |
SUSE-Xano | |
SUSE-Xenonsoft-1.00 | (part of spectcl) |
SUSE-mirror | License of the mirror package is quite liberal but prohibits distribution of modified versions. |
SUSE-mplus | |
SUSE-wxWidgets-3.1 | |