Mariano Iumiento
I am enthusiast for various geek items like Open Source, Web 2.0, Social Networking, Cloud Computing, Web Based Computing, Virtualization, etc. etc..
In my daily life I try to contribute to the promotion of all these things no matter what is the brand behind them.
That is why you can hear me talking about openSUSE like Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, DSL, IPCop, Enomalism, Ulteo, eyeOS, Zimbra, Alfresco, IBM, Sun, VMware, Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, ZFS, or... whatever takes my attention.
Sometimes I chair at events to bring and share my visions, more often I attend to events to listen to others' visions, that allows me to understand and learn more and more.
I've applied to the Ambassador program and I am available to come and help spreading openSUSE/OpenSource/GnuLinux enthusiasm, even abroad if required and if matching with my agenda (I can have English talks as well).
I'm 35 years old, and I work for an IT System Integration Company as a Solution Architect. In my job I continuously try to fulfill customers needs with innovative solutions.
In my career I've worked with companies of various sizes (from IBM, Sun Microsystems, Nokia, Telecom Italia, up to companies of up to 15 employees) and of various market segments (IT, Industrial Electrical, Telecommunications, Hospitals, Civil and Military Aviation, Electronic Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, etc...).
I've worked on various international projects that allowed me to meet people from around the world growing my personal and professional life.
- City / Country: Rome / Italy
- Time Zone: +1
- Italian: Mother tongue
- English: Fluent.
- MAIL: miumiento [at] gmail [dot] com
- openSUSE Marketing:
- openSUSE Ambassador:
- I'm preparing to be more 'publicly' active: talks, classes, events, parties, participating with LUGs and Universities, spreading to business people, etc.