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About me

My name is Jan Matejek, but on the internet i'm known as matejcik. At the moment, my job at SUSE is maintaining the Python interpreters and various Python modules.

openSUSE annoyances

This is a list of minor annoyances with openSUSE, that are either outright bugs, or just usability hurdles, but I can't be bothered to fight for the change (either because the resolution is difficult, or it is not clear what exactly is a good way to fix the problem, or simply because there is resistance to change).

I will try to revisit this list with every openSUSE release and find out whether the issue still remains. The list of issue is current as of 13.1 (or the closest Factory)

  • Installing pdflatex is impossible (bnc#879161)
    When trying to use pdflatex on a system without LaTeX environment, the command-not-found tool will helpfully point to a package texlive-latex-bin-bin, which doesn't have the appropriate dependencies on the hundreds of texlive subpackages required to actually make it work.
    As a workaround, you can install one of the collections: texlive-collection-latex (and -latexrecommended and -latexextra) or texlive-scheme-basic
  • KMail doesn't thread bnc e-mails, seemingly because they have the right In-Reply-To headers but wrong Message-Ids. Thunderbird can show them in threads despite that.