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Back in 1996 a friend of mine, who was using this weird Linux OS for quite some time, told me that the company he was working for - S.u.S.E. GmbH - was searching for someone taking care of their webserver and web content. I just had had a few glimpses at S.u.S.E. Linux 4.2 and had planned to learn HTML anyway, so I applied for the job. Now, two decades and many SUSE LINUX/openSUSE versions later, I am still working here — either because of an instinct for survival or because of phlegm ;-).

In the meantime I am working for the Documentation Team. My main task is to take care of all project management related tasks for documentation and also write manuals for openSUSE, SLES, and SUSE OpenStack Cloud. Apart from that I am maintaining and developing DAPS - The DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite, the tool the documentation team uses for building the manuals.

Off work - permitted my daughter and her twin brothers allow me to ;-) - I enjoy bird watching, my fish tanks, riding my Triumph Tiger 1050, and reading fantasy and SF. If all this still leaves time, I am digitizing my 1000+ punk and alternative long-play records and play (offline) role playing computer games.