User:Aeneas jaissle/Drafts/openSUSE
- Board is helping the community
- Members elect the Board
- Community holds openSUSE Conference (oSC) in Europe and openSUSE Summit in America
- Become a Foundation (e.V.), be able to receive funding
- Factory to Stable:
- Factory is used and gets tested, has the latest and greatest software
- Stable holds packages that work with (hopefully) no flaws
- We want update mechanisms ensuring that our current software keeps working after upgrading from e.g. Apache 2.2 to 2.4
- Mechanism is to be introduced (and tested) before Apache 2.4 can be pushed to Stable (we're doing rolling updates after all!)
- We make a Stable snapshot every 8-16 months to have a base for our users (this is our release!)
- e.g. openSUSE 13.2 -> Stable snapshot from June 2013
- System core components can be updated within a release, if no API/ABI changed in a way that breaks things
- When installing, openSUSE-DVD includes some often used add-ons
- YaST also connects to OBS or searches a predefined location for further add-ons
- User may choose what add-on to use per default and what templates to install
- Add-on Ideas:
- Medical
- Education
- Developers
- Gaming
- Cloud
- HA Servers
- Groupware Servers
- Desktops
Niche: Commercial support for specific add-ons Vendors can group together to maintain and support add-ons
- Stable must have an always up-to-date documentation
- When submitting packages to Factory, the maintainer has to provide a wiki entry within some 'Packages' namespace describing to packages' functionality as well as some fundamental documentation. An 'openSUSE version' tag displays what openSUSE version contain the package. The entries need to be up to date (= aligned to the packages version). If there are diferent version of one package in e.g. openSUE 13.1 and Factory, the package 'behave' differently and therefore need different documentation, each version (or version range) should have its own section. Packages, that are removed from a distribution or only contained in an unsupported distribution, shall be moved to or merged with an existing page in a 'Packages:legacy' Namespace.
openSUSE and SUSE are upstream for:
- YaST / WebYaST / AutoYaST - Installation and Configuration Tools
- libzypp, zypper, libsolv - Linux Software Management Engine
- Open Build Service, osc -
- KIWI - OS Image Builder
- openQA - OS Testing Framework
- Wicked - Network Configuration
- Snapper - Linux Filesystem Snapshot Management Tool
- OSEM - Open Source Event Manager
- SWAMP - Workflow Administration And Management
- kGraft - Live Kernel Patching
- ???
Increase effort on YaST as an all-round administration tool.
Tools for collaboration - Video conference etc. <- invent (or re-use WebRTC / and be upstream?
Web Services
- Landing page has to be revamped
- Wiki is very unstructured, a lot of pages need cleanups, updates or categories