Talk:Weekly news

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Editors Note

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Welcome to issue # 126 of the openSUSE Weekly News. Now the 22nd week goes to the end, and we are pleased to announce our new issue.
This week was very interesting. The Mozilla Project announced the 64bit Firefox, but sadly just for Windows at the moment. But i think that the Project announces the Linux Version soon.
Then our calendar gives us the Information, that we have the 11.3 RC1 checkin in the next week. Soon we enjoy the new Version 11.3. But as written in the last weeks, we need testers. If you like, you can help us with that.
From the wiki side, we need more volunteers, who are willing to help in the review process from the wiki sides. So if you can speak, write and understand English, please help us in the wiki.
So we're hoping, that you like the new Weekly News. We wish you many joy by reading it...