This page is in need of attention!
- This page contains no definition of the lemma "Terminal".
- The different meanings of terminal or console are not explained in this article.
- Nor is the meaning of "shell" defined.
- Also other technical terms are used without any explanation or at least a link to an explanation (for example: "GUI").
- For the most part this page contains no article at all but just a list of (bash) commands.
- But the man page "bash(1)" has also the paragraph "Shell Builtin Commands" (see bash(1) - Linux man page or "man bash" line 3577 and the following).
- What is this page "Terminal" for? Just a listing/collection of some often used and combined commands for the shell "bash"?
- This page has nearly no connection to existing wiki articles.
- If the user does not already know how tho work with a shell in a console (or a graphical program for simulating/emulating a console in GNOME, KDE etc.) - this article will not teach him: there is not at least a mention how to start a/get into a console or a console emulation.
- There is also not any connection to openSUSE to see. Why should this be a part of the "Presentation of the current version of the openSUSE distribution" (see the definition of the members of this namespace on Help:namespace)?
- This page is in this state not useful for an 'normal' user/consumer of openSUSE so it should not stay in the namespace "main". Maybe with a some fix-up it may be useful in the namespace SDB. And perhaps with much effort it might become in the future something for the main namespace.
--Pistazienfresser 08:11, 9 July 2010 (UTC)