Archive:Summit 2013/to-dos
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openSUSE Summit 13 to-dos and ideas noted here
People helping with the openSUSE Summit 2013 (oSSum13) feel free to utilize this page on discussing ideas regarding the events and anything in general happening at the Summit.
Local Promotion
- Gather list of local universities and colleges => Gilson => done
- Find a way to get flyers posted at the universities and colleges => Gilson => in progress
- Reach out to LUGs in Florida => Steven & Gilson => in progress
- Get flyers printed
- Get flyers distributed => Steven in Daytona area, TBD in Orlando area
- Flyer for local promotion => Andy (DONE)
- Flyer for promoting Summit at other events => Andy (DONE)
- Antendee Badges => Andy (DONE)
- Geeko Money => Andy (DONE)
- Follow up on budget => Robert => in progress
- Add session place holder for town hall meeting => Robert => done
- Double check CfP dates and make certain they line up with TSP requirements => Robert => done
- Chase info if hotel rooms can be shared => Robert => done
- Chase information on total Hotel tax => Robert => done
- Tickets for the Summit => Gilson => done
- OSEM update for session length and title => Stella
- news.o.o article about session submission for the summit => Andy (DONE)
- Update => Andy (DONE)
- TSP deadline => Izabel => done
- news.o.o article about TSP request for Summit => Izabel
- write draft for news.o.o article about keynote speaker and schedule send to jos => Robert => done sent 10/10
- confirm we can have pizza party with outside food => Robert => done (no outside food allowed, notified Steven)
- investigate if there is an "evening event" checkbox option in OSEM, if not file a feature request => Robert => done (Stell provided info, Robert set up Pizza Party event)
- Let Steve know if we need to contact local pizza shop or not => Robert => done (no outside food)
- contact FLOSS Weekly for podcats spot => Steven => done (waiting for reply)
- create numbered geekos for the "find the geeko game" => Andy => done
- follow up with Sharon to ensure Disney cleaning crew does not discard our geekos => Robert
- write rules of find the geeko game and get them to summit.o.o => Andy => done
Events for Friday (15th nov 2013)
We will have a pizza party on Friday, we'll need to figure out how we get the pizza, the money issue and how we deal with beer and music.
Events for Saturday (16th nov 2013)
No ideas yet, possibly a repeat of the day before party but with different food. Maybe we can organize costumes or masks.
Random Notes
Need a table available for the Forums, Kim Groneman will attend Omnibond will sponsor again => we need to get the sponsor brochure ready and get sponsor stuff rolling