In the news:
- 17.11.10 - linuxtoday: openSUSE medical team releases stable version 0.0.6
- 17.11.10 - h-online: openSUSE Medical 0.0.6 released
- 15.11.10 - Linux Weekly News: openSUSE Medical Version 0.0.6 released
- 13.11.10 - Linux Community: openSUSE medical Projekt veröffentlicht erste Stabile Version
- 12.11.10 - Pro Linux: Geeko in der Arztpraxis - openSUSE medical entwickelt sich
- 11.11.10 - lizards: openSUSE medical team releases stable version 0.0.6
- 12.01.10 - New Package: zyxware-hms, a health monitor system
- 10.01.10 - The openSUSE-Medical team now collaborates with Fedora Medical
- 04.11.09 - The Medical Project announced, that openEMR is ready
- 27.10.09 - h-online: openSUSE-Medical looking for developers
- 27.10.09 - the Medical Project was announced