Portal:Cloud/Public Cloud Images

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openSUSE Leap in the Cloud

We have two teams working on Public Cloud availability.

SLES and openSUSE Leap The images are maintained by SUSE's Public Cloud engineering team. openSUSE Leap 15.5 is now officially available on public cloud providers: Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure. T Have a peek into the development activities on Open Build Service, in Cloud:Images project.

Remaining openSUSE images are handled by a newly formed openSUSE Public Could team made of volunteers.

Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

The openSUSE Leap 15.3 images in AWS can be found in the AWS Marketplace.

Google Compute Engine

The Leap 15.3 image is called "opensuse-cloud" and it is available in all regions.

Microsoft Azure

SUSE provides openSUSE images in Azure. You may find the Leap 15.3 image