PR Checklist

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This worksheet will help you to create a high-quality news release. It provides guidelines and gathers information for determining the need, value and/or appropriateness of using a news release to communicate to media regarding the openSUSE project. The content and messaging entered into the worksheet will be the primary information used to draft any press communication.

Successful news releases position news in a way that showcases openSUSE as the first, only or best distribution in the topic/category covered in the news announcement. News must show significant impact to users, the community customers and the openSUSE project.

How are others doing it?


Please make sure that in addition to working with the opensuse:Board, all relevant stakeholders are involved, such as key information providers, package maintainers, and community members.


Worksheet Questions

  1. What news are we announcing (be specific and complete – remember this is for an external audience)?
  2. Please outline and prioritize three clear, concise key messages* that either directly or indirectly answer these questions:
    • Why is this announcement important to the media and their audiences?
    • How does it offer users an advantage?
    • What is the impact of this announcement on openSUSE, its users and the market?
    Note: These key messages should be low on technical detail and should stress benefits. These key messages should be power positions unique to openSUSE – important for openSUSE users and easy to defend against objections.
  3. What differentiates this relationship or technology from other distributions?
  4. What is the market context? Explain the market size, objectives and opportunities for this technology or relationship.
  5. What are the key features and benefits of the product or service? If this is a “dot” release, what new features have been added to the product and what are their customer benefits?
  6. Please list any other critical points, schedules, opportunities or concerns associated with this announcement.
  7. Who are the stakeholders involved in the news release?
  8. Who are the key public spokespeople for this announcement?
  9. What other supporting images/materials can we provide, e.g., screen shots, infographics, slide decks, diagrams, etc.?