Os 2016

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Feedback about oS_2016 picture

The Questions Not Replied Yet

Note: Ignore the part what already reply on mail thread. Just put what questions(seems important or worth a feedback) Agustin not reply yet here, and since it's hard to just cut off particular question from mail, so I just put the mail link here.

Screened Questions

  • A LTS version for openSUSE(Evergreen or extended maintenance cycle? or any others option?) and provides more than 3 years support, somebody claiming it'll big help for database server, web server, or XXX server. Do we have to do something to help/improve Evergreen?
  • Will we want to tell the world we'll have better marketing?
  • What is our target group defined to? experienced users, contributors or? then what we can do for them?
    • How to attracted more contributors(or users? depend on what is the answer of the question above)?
  • Somebody think don't spend too much time with numbers and statistics. Explain the benefit of numbers or statistics more detail?
  • There are too many wiki pages with no clear sense of organization, leading to the image of bad or lack of documentation. Should we have a better architecture of our document system(wiki)?
  • Improve our mentoring system to guide more users -> contributors.


IMO if we can exact answered the questions above, then that is the summary what most of people ask for.