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Impact of Gmixer and Parcellite

This page expose why we shut down (or keep from starting) gmixer and parcellite panel widget.

From the beginning we stop those two programs because they show on top of our powertop rapports. I made this page kind of late but now that our measure method is more accurate, we can see the difference between modes to stop/keep from running those programs. So we measured the greedy processes :

  • enabled The processes are awake and fully working
  • disabled The processes are prevented from running (files in ~/.config/autostart/)
  • killed The processes are manually killed
  • removed The processes are prevented from running (files removed from /etc/xdg/autostart/)

Measures took on a Lenovo - ThinkPad X230 Tablet while the system wasn't doing anything :

Impact gmixer and parcellite.png

We can see that every approach to stop the processes have the same results. But, the interesting part on this chart is to visualize the hdparm cron job which stop the disk, in order to do that, the disk is restarted for a short period and then stopped. This is the reason of the peaks on the three last curves. We are trying to determine a better interval of time to stop the disk.