Install MongoDB
MongoDB hasn't been included in official repositories. You need to install it form server:database repository. The following link provides both one-click install (for desktop environment) and command line way (for server environment).
Newer version MongoDB only available on x86_64 system.
Create Btrfs subvolume (recommend)
is where MongoDB stores data by default. However, it is not a Btrfs subvolume and snapper will take snapshot of data changes. If your root file system is Btrfs and has enabled snapshots, changes of MongoDB data will lead to large Btrfs snapshots.
If it is only used for local testing, people usually won't rollback data in database. So it is just a waste of storage space. You can make a Btrfs subvolume and disable snapshots on it. In server, it is often useful to make subvolume for /var/lib/mongodb
, too. It enables you to make snapshots independent to operating system snapshots.
The steps of creating subvolume is easy but you should be very careful! You need to run it as root and make sure your MongoDB server has been stopped!
# Stop MongoDB server if it is running
systemctl stop mongodb
# Create a new subvolume
btrfs subvolume create /var/lib/mongodb-temp
# This new subvolume is owned by root.
# We need to change owner to mongodb user and mongodb group
chown mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb-temp
# Move all data into new subvolume
mv /var/lib/mongodb/* /var/lib/mongodb-temp
# Remove old directory
rmdir /var/lib/mongodb
# Rename new subvolume
mv /var/lib/mongodb-temp /var/lib/mongodb
# Restart MongoDB (optional)
systemctl start mongodb
First run
openSUSE's configuration
openSUSE's mongodb package contains a default configuration at /etc/mongodb.conf
and a systemd service file. Advantages of this configuration are:
1. Save data in typical Linux directory, /var/lib/mongodb
, rather than /data/db
2. Enable some common settings for security and convenience.
3. Use the power of systemd.
If you want to run this configuration. Just use systemd commands:
sudo systemctl start mongodb
To run mongodb at system booting:
sudo systemctl enable mongodb
Your own configuration
If you want more freedom, for example, you want to run multiple MongoDB servers with different configurations, you can use mongod
mongod --dbpath /database/mongodb1 --port 7000
mongod --dbpath /database/mongodb2 --port 8000
mongod --dbpath /database/mongodb3 --port 9000
Read MongoDB Reference for detailed information.
MongoDB Shell
MongoDB Shell (package: mongodb-shell) is a command line client. When your MongoDB server is already running, you can login MongoDB with mongo
gekko@opensuse:~> mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.4.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.3
Create admin user
When you installed MongoDB, here is no user defined. You can login without providing username or password. However, if you want to create database and manage users, you have to create an administrator account.
use admin
user: "root",
pwd: "password",
roles: [ "root" ]
use admin
means you switch toadmin
let you create a user in current database.user:
username, can be anything you like.pwd:
roles of user. "root" role give you all power to manage MongoDB.exit
the command to exit mongo shell.
Next time, you can login with admin user:
mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p
Note: you need to provide the database name ("--authenticationDatabase admin") where you create admin user. Otherwise, authentication will fail.
Create database with user
openSUSE's mongodb configuration force application to provide username and password to access database in MongoDB.
If you have an application, and you would like to create a database for it, do following steps:
Step 1: login mongo shell as admin user
mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p
Step 2: create database and add a user with necessary permissions
use japaripark
user: "serval",
pwd: "tanoshi",
roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]
Step 3: fill database information in your project
Here is a NodeJS example:
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient,
f = require('util').format,
assert = require('assert');
var user = encodeURIComponent('serval');
var password = encodeURIComponent('tanoshi');
var authMechanism = 'DEFAULT';
// Connection URL
var url = f('mongodb://%s:%s@localhost:27017/japaripark?authMechanism=%s',
user, password, authMechanism);
// Use connect method to connect to the Server
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
console.log("Connected correctly to server");
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