Help:Tag formatting

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Main Page
I do not exist


This is a bold word. ==

Heading text


Heading text



This is a blockquote text. This is a blockquote text.

This is a blockquote text. This is a blockquote text. This is a blockquote text.

This is a blockquote text.


This sentence is (not) a citation.


$FOO = "A line of code";

<dl>, <dd>, <dt>

Definition term
...with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition. with a definition.


A division container


This is an emphasized word.


This is an H1 heading

This is an H2 heading

This is an H3 heading

This is an H4 heading

This is an H5 heading
This is an H6 heading



This is an italic word.


  1. Ordered list
    1. Ordered list
      1. Ordered list
    2. Ordered list
  2. Ordered list


A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph. A normal paragraph.

With one indent
With two indents
With three indents


Preformatted text. Preformatted text. Preformatted text.
   Preformatted text. Preformatted text. Preformatted text.
Preformatted text.
Preformatted text.                        Preformatted text.
Preformatted text.


This is a small word.


This is a strong word.


This is a subscript word.


This is a superscript word.


Table caption
Table Header Cell table data cell
Table Header Cell table data cell


This is a typewriter-like word.


  • Unordered list
    • Unordered list
      • Unordered list
    • Unordered list
  • Unordered list


$FOOBAR is a variable.


See Extension:CategoryTree for details on usage.