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Technical Data

  • RockChip RK3066 Dual Core 1.6 GHz ARM Cortex-A9 Processor
  • 1 GB DDR3 memory
  • HDMI connector
  • 1 regular USB host
  • 1 mini USB OTG port
  • 1 mini USB power connector
  • Micro SD card slot

Installing the openSUSE 12.3 Image

  1. Download Olegk0's Recovery Image (linux 3.0.8+) and modules (mod+fw.tar.gz) from https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B6QRwjacGTzCX0UyOXNGSU5iMGc/edit?docId=0B6QRwjacGTzCU3RWZ1M2d1FkcTg
  2. Download the latest openSUSE-12.3-ARM-XFCE-rootfs.armv7l-1.12.1-Build47.1.tbz image at http://download.opensuse.org/ports/armv7hl/distribution/12.3/images/
  3. Prepare a micro SD card (minimum 8GB)
  4. Create an ext4 partition that fills all the space of the SD card
  5. Set the label of that partition as 'linuxroot' (make sure it has the label set as linuxroot otherwise it won't boot)
  6. Mount the partition (i.e. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt)
  7. Extract the openSUSE image in root of the ext4 partition we just created
  8. Extract the modules (mod+fw.tar.gz file) in the root of the ext4 partition we just created
  9. Open the file /mnt/etc/fstab that was just created in the sdcard and add the first line:

/dev/root / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0

  1. umount the sdcard and insert it in the MK808 stick
  2. Connect the device using the OTG port to the computer
  3. When it boots to Android, check Settings->USB->Connect to PC
  4. Now check Settings->Developer Options->USB Debugging
  5. Root the device using a tool like Shuame (http://shuame.com/) (This is under Windows)
  6. Open ADB Shell and type 'reboot bootloader' to be able to flash the recovery kernel.
  7. Using the FinlessROM Flashing tool for MK808 flash ONLY the Recovery Image that was downloaded previously
  8. When the stick reboots to Android, connect again to PC and make sure the USB Debugging setting is checked
  9. Open ADB Shell and type 'reboot recovery'
  10. Enjoy
  11. Every time you want to boot to linux you need to open the adb shell and type 'reboot recovery' within Android or install init.d support on android and create a script that will do that every time android boots.

Configuring Graphical Interface

You need to make sure the following modules load at startup:

  • bcm40181
  • rk29-ipp
  • ump
  • disp_ump
  • mali
  • drm
  • mali_drm
  • fuse

To do that you need to edit the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file and modify the line:



MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="bcm40181 rk29-ipp ump disp_ump mali drm mali_drm fuse"

You need to have the /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/rk30fb_drv.so file. (I'll post instructions to where to get it)

You will need to create an xorg.conf file under the /etc/X11/ folder:

Section "Monitor"

       Identifier     "Monitor0"
       Option          "DPMS"
       Modeline "1920x1080"    148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 -hsync -vsync -csync
       Modeline "1280x720"     74.48 1280 1336 1472 1664 720 721 724 746 -hsync -vsync -csync


Section "Device"

       Identifier "Fbdev"
       Driver  "rk30fb"
       Option  "fbdev"           "/dev/fb0
       Option  "FsGPUDD"         "false"
       Option  "debug"           "true"


Section "Screen"

       Identifier   "Screen0"
       Device       "Fbdev"
       Monitor      "Monitor0"
       DefaultDepth    24
       SubSection "Display"
           Depth               24
           Modes               "1920x1080" "1280x720"


Section "DRI"

       Mode 0666


Section "ServerLayout"

       Identifier      "default"
       Option          "BlankTime"     "60"
       Option          "StandbyTime"   "60"
       Option          "SuspendTime"   "60"
       Option          "OffTime"       "60"


Configuring WIFI

  • Make sure openSUSE loads the bcm40181 when it loads
  • Using Yast configure the wireless


Configuring 3D Hardware Acceleration

  • It is possible to have 3D hardware acceleration in openSUSE and MK808. We need to load some modules by default:


Known Issues

  • It needs a swap partition of 512MB or more in order to avoid a sluggish system.
  • Networkmanager works right away but the wifi drops from time to time and it says: "Not enough privileges to configure the network" after the system is running for a while.
  • Configuring the system to Spanish only makes half of the applications to Spanish, the rest is in English.
  • After a while the system hangs up with a black screen. It looks like the screen saver started but it never wakes up. The stick needs to be rebooted (unplugged and plugged back in).