Dell Precision 5510 Setup
This page provides a summary of how to install OpenSUSE (Leap 42.2) on Dell Precision 5510 laptop.
Update Firmware
If the laptop came with Windows as mine did then I recommend you first update firmware.
- Plug in power cable.
- Turn on laptop, boot Windows.
- Open web browser and go to
- Click Detect Product or enter your Dell service tag. Once detected or Precision 5510 product found choose Drivers and Downloads.
- Select BIOS firmware update, download and run if applicable. It will reboot Windows after the firmware applies.
- After reboot, go back to
- Select SSD firmware update, download and run if applicable. Reboot Windows.
- After reboot, go back to
- Select Intel(R) Thunderbolt(TM) Controller driver, download and run. With Windows 7 this driver needs to be updated in order for the associated firmware file to detect the controller. You do not need to reboot Windows.
- Select Intel(R) Thunderbolt(TM) 3 firmware update, download and run if applicable. Reboot the PC.
UEFI/BIOS Settings
Here are the non-default settings I recommend in order to have the most secure and feature complete system.
Press F2 while the Dell logo appears when the laptop has first turned to enter System Setup.
Settings > General > Boot Sequence:
- Ensure Boot List Option is set to UEFI
Settings > General > Advanced Boot Options
- Unselect Enable Legacy Option ROMs
Settings > System Configuration > SATA Operation
- Select AHCI
Settings > System Configuration > SMART Reporting:
- Enable SMART Reporting
Settings > System Configuration > USB PowerShare
- Enable USB PowerShare
Settings > Security > Admin Password
- Enter a new password
Optionally set a System (boot-on password), HDD-1 and SSD-0 Password. Once you've set a password, you may need to reboot and enter that password before you can continue altering System Settings.
Settings > Security > Password Bypass
- Reboot Bypass. This is optional but personally I prefer not to enter my password when I'm simply rebooting the system.
Settings > Secure Boot > Secure Boot Enable
- Set Secure Boot Enable to Enabled.
Settings > Power Management > USB Wake Support Check the Enable USB Wake Support check box.
Settings > POST Behavior > Fn Lock Options
- Fn Lock check box should be checked
- Fn Lock disabled/Standard. This will allow Fn+Esc to enable the function lock but by default it will be disabled.
Settings > POST Behavior > Fastboot
- Auto
Settings > Virtualization Support
- Check the Trusted Execution checkbox
- All the other virtualization features should be enabled already.
Click Apply then Exit.
Choose under UEFI BOOT: UEFI: PNY USB 3.0 DF 1.0.0, Partition 1
Different models of USB sticks will be labeled differently.
Installing OpenSUSE Leap 42.2
- Insert your USB stick with OpenSUSE 42.2 into a USB port.
- Insert your USB-C to Ethernet Controller adapter into the USB-C port and plug an active Ethernet cable into the adapter.
- Turn on the laptop.
- While the DELL Logo appears press the F12 key to bring up a boot menu.
- Choose the USB stick under the UEFI BOOT category. If a valid UEFI boot option for your USB stick does not appear you may need to rewrite your USB stick. You can simply use dd if=/path/opensuse42.2.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=10M on another computer if /dev/sdb is your USB stick and /path/opensuse42.2.iso is your openSUSE 42.2 ISO file.
- The system will appear to reboot. You will see the Dell logo again. If you chose to have a hard drive password it will ask you for it.
- A blue screen will appear that says, "Trust openSUSE Certificate", choose yes. This adds the SUSE public certificate whose private key pair was used to sign the GRUB2-EFI boot loader so that UEFI in secure boot mode will recognize the boot loader.
- OpenSUSE 42.2 GRUB menu will now appear. Choose Installation.
- Language, Keyboard and License Agreement. Click Next.
- Under Network Settings, Overview tab, select your USB 10/100/1000 adapter, choose Edit, click Dynamic Address for DHCP or enter a static IP if applicable.
- Under Network Settings, Hostname/DNS tab, enter your hostname then click Next.
- Under Installation Options, click Add Online Repositories Before Installation.
- Under Preparing Hard Disk, click Create Partition Setup.
- Select 1, /dev/sda then click Next.
- Click Use Entire Hard Disk.
- Click Edit Proposal Settings.
- Click Encrypted LVM-based Proposal.
- Enter encryption password then click OK.
- Click Next
- Under Clock and Time Zone, Choose your Time Zone.
- Click Other Settings, click Synchronize now then click Accept.
- Click Next.
- Under List of Online Repositories, select any additional repositories you want. Personally I like being able to easily get debugsource and debuginfo packages so I select all the DEBUG and Sources repositories.
- Under Desktop Selection, choose your preferred desktop. Personally I choose the KDE Plasma Desktop. Click Next.
- Under Local User, enter a Username and Password then click Next.
- Under the Installation Settings summary it should report: Boot Loader Type: GRUB2 EFI Enable Secure Boot: yes
- Personally I open the SSH port under Firewall but leave the SSH service disabled unless I need it.
- Click Install then "I Agree" under additional Package License dialog boxes.
Setup SUDO to show X11 programs as root
- Run sudo -i, type root password
- Edit /etc/pam.d/sudo and uncomment the module.
- Exit sudo and return to your normal user account.
- Run sudo -i again and confirm you can run an X11 program such as yast2 or konsole.
Installing the NVIDIA drivers
- Enable the NVIDIA repository: YaST > Software Repositories > Add Button, Community Repository, choose Nvidia Graphics Drivers
- Install the NVIDIA driver:
- sudo zypper -n in nvidia-computeG04 nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-default nvidia-glG04 x11-video-nvidiaG04
- reboot