Archive:openSUSE Conference 2009
Registration is Now Open!
You can now register for the openSUSE Conference here.
openSUSE Conference 2009
The first openSUSE Conference is now scheduled for September 17 - 20 in Nuremberg, Germany.
When, Where?
September 17-20 in Nuremberg, Germany.
The entire schedule will be posted soon. We don't plan on starting any sessions before 9:00 and any talks will end by 18:00 local time.
Who should attend?
The conference is for anyone and everyone making a contribution to openSUSE. Whether you're a developer, packager, translator, artist, member of the marketing team, etc., you belong at the conference if you're interested in getting together with other contributors and working together to make openSUSE even better.
Please add your name here if you're interested in volunteering, and in what capacity.
Jan Blunck: proposal review, program planning, etc.
Samyak Bhuta : Graphics Design ( Brochure, Logo etc)
The program has been posted. The conference will not be entirely composed of prepared talks. We feel it's better to have plenty of work time for people to get some face-to-face time and get work done rather than sit and listen to talks for three and a half days.
The other half of the conference is the Unconference which is in the BarCamp format. Generally, sessions will consist of topics proposed and scheduled by attendees prior to and even at the conference. You can schedule sessions prior to the conference on the Unconference wiki, or claim empty time slots at the conference.
The conference will run from September 17 through September 20, which is Thursday through Sunday.
The schedule is:
- Thursday: 09:30 - 18:15
- Friday: 09:30 - 18:15
- Saturday: 09:30 - 18:15
- Sunday: 09:30 - 15:30
The "official" schedule ends at 18:15, but the network will stay up and we'll see about making rooms available for anyone who wants to run hackfests and whatnot in the later evening.
Birds of a Feather sessions run from 16:15 to 18:15, Thursday through Saturday.
Since many people will be taking flights home, etc., we don't want to run too late on Sunday.
We're going to focus on several areas:
- System and Toolchain (openSUSE Build Service, YaST, Kernel, Packaging)
- Desktop (KDE, GNOME, Xfce, etc.)
- Server (Apache, MySQL, etc.)
- Community (Marketing, Translation, Wiki, Legal)
We'll also have a full track of beginner's talks for Open Day.
openSUSE Open Day
Saturday we'll extend an invite to all openSUSE users (in addition to contributors) who can make it to Nuremberg to learn more about openSUSE.
This is in addition to, not replacing, the contributor tracks.
If you're interested in helping with the program, add your name to the Organizers section of this page.
Novell is the flagship sponsor of the conference, but we're still looking for additional sponsors to help community members cover travel, and to sponsor additional activities outside the actual conference. If you're interested in sponsoring, please contact 'Zonker' Brockmeier for additional details.