Archive:KDE feature plan 12.3

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This is just a list of things I collected from the mailing list and shall be used as a start for a discussion in one of our kde meetings.

  • Include KDE Telepathy, SFLPhone (backend+KDE client), Kamoso and

Knights in the official distribution.

  • Include the necessary stuff for video thumbnails/previews in the default

installation (assuming it works, unlike in the 4.8.5 update >:-)

  • Evaluate Plasma Media Center for inclusion (tech preview?)
  • Polishing and enhancing various KCMs - especially krandr (more relevant

than ever now that the nvidia blob supports xrandr), File Associations (make it possible to change default app for a whole category of MIME- types in one step, e.g. "video", "txt", "audio" etc.)

  • Print manager job applet (if printmanager doesn't get elegantly

integrated into SC 4.10 upstream).

  • A simple, smooth, reliable tool to notify about and install updates. Maybe

a QML plasmoid talking with libzypp directly without layers of RH experiments and research projects inbetween.

  • Use YaST to install local RPMs when clicked in Dolphin instead of


  • A (KDE) tool to set GTK3 theme (kde-gtk-config?)
  • Make the default desktop not start Akonadi by default and make Akonadi

not start/run when users don't have any PIM data

  • Do a review of core/default KDE apps to make sure they're properly

associated with all the MIME types they're actually capable of opening.

  • Qt 5?
  • Perhaps as a consequence of the above, though I'm not certain, this

has a knock-on effect for example in Gwenview when browsing an album folder with videos in it (mpg in my case). It prompts to install codecs but that process fails for me, and the codecs needed to make it work include gstreamer-bad, ugly, bad-orig-addons, ugly-orig-addons, etc., and all the many other dependencies they in turn pull in. A regular user shouldn't have to go through that just to see their camera or phone videos in the default KDE image viewer. I don't know if the choice of phonon backend influences that. There's also issues with Dolphin's preview pane not playing certain videos. (FWIW, I switched to gstreamer because of gapless playback, no cutting off the ends of audio files and its requirement for Clementine).

  • The once-talked-about change from the KDE openSUSE greeter to an

HTML-based (offline-capable) document would be welcome.

  • When I have an optical disc inserted, it would be nice if just about

every action I perform (e.g. opening Dolphin or changing folders, file pickers and dialogs, opening Kate or another app with file management elements built in), didn't have to wait for the disc to spin up. I guess that's more of an issue for upstream though.

  • Nicer KDE integration in LibreOffice. Check the Tools -> Options

dialog for example. Text and symbols are all over the place.

  • move to open sans fonts as default
  • move to oxygen fonts as default
  • A worthy list, to which I would add everythign we didn't get done or drop for


  • More polished display manager them, switchable userlist
  • Fix disable touchpad on typing
  • clean default notifications
  • disable useless ktip
  • check default window sizes are useful
  • print-manager?
  • netbook edition, Active?
  • clean the K menu!
  • fix default file associations
  • Fix Polkit systemsettings module
  • menu-in-titlebar mode
  • replace kopete by ktp
  • create small groups of well defined maintainers for apps which are at the

heart of kde but not kde per se (amarok,digikam, kile, add your favourite).

  • provide a consistent with the official branding colour scheme for kde (build

around Produkt?).

  • replace kdm with lightdm-kde?