K9Copy is a small utility which allows copying DVD's on Linux.
- The video stream can be compressed to make the video fit on a 4.7GB recordable DVD
- DVD Burning
- Creation of ISO images
- The possibility of choosing which audio and subtitle tracks to copy
- Title preview (video only)
- The ability to preserve the original menus
One of the main feature it has is the ability to fit the contents of a dual layer DVD-9 onto a single layer DVD-5.
K9Copy is part of kde4-k9copy, which can be found on Packman.
Warning: If utilizing K9Copy in the Gnome desktop, the application will crash. To remedy this issue, you must repair a undocumented dependency. Install the kdebase4-runtime package and it's dependent packages as well by using the command "sudo zypper install kdebase4-runtime". Now K9Copy should work as expected.