Archive:Conference venue setup 2011
Conference> Organization
This page explains what will be done in the week prior to the conference.
- Gather all the things from the SUSE office in the all-hands-area
- Gather all the things from the SUSE office in the all-hands-area
- Cleaning of seminar rooms
- Setup of internet connection (in basement)
- Wednesday 12:00: Van gets delivered to SUSE office
9am: Meeting at Zentrifuge
- Tables and Chairs arrive
- Setup Internet/WLAN access
- Delivery of soft-drinks
- Delivery of bar
- Delivery of fridges
9am Meeting at Zentrifuge
- Internet access: Configure and test wireless network
- Delivery of the beer
- Delivery of the beergarden equiptment
- Delivery of the cotton bags
- Delivery of the Crew T-Shirts
- Delivery of the PA system (Christopher, Bruno, Pavol)
- Meet at 12:00 if you want to help decorate
- The caterer brings stuff at 09:00
- The bull riding arrives at 14:00