Archive:Board meeting 2024-07-08

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Board Meeting Monday 2024-07-08 14:00 CEST

  • Present: Doug, Gerald, Neal, Simon, Shawn, Patrick
  • Missed:
  • Guests:

From Previous Meetings

  • We never made a formal decision on the policies for Permanent bans.

Syncing after openSUSE Conference

  • Shawn could not attend in person
  • Gerald attended on Thursday, then sick and stuck in bed the following days :-(
  • Those present in person report many constructive discussions.
  • Talk generally perceived well.
  • Only one member noting "If the name changes I'll leave".
  • Several raised a desire to consider alternate names to "Geeko(s)".
  • General feedback at the event was people were fine with renaming part of the talk at oSC24, less so with a removing the commuity brand outlook and splitting up the projects
  • Discord/Matrix/IRC feedback has generally been ambivalent. A fair bit of narrative of "being forced" by SUSE.
  • It seems that there is enough positive desire within the community to a good extent since this shouldn't just be the board driving proposals.
  • It seems that more contributors are open to the idea of changing then the general userbase, at the same time there are some more SUSE employees that are less likely to want to change.
  • Board to await the maturation period for the community to discuss before moving forward with a planning/phased approach

Action Item: Gerald, statement from the board after discussion dies down.