Archive:Board meeting 2024-06-03
Board Meeting Monday 2024-06-03 14:00 CEST
- Present: Doug, Gerald, Neal, Patrick, Shawn, Simon
- Excused:
- Missed:
- Minutes: Neal
- Guests: Georg
- Minutes of last meeting (on Wiki)?
- Meeting times before openSUSE Conference
Update the meeting bot for the mailing list
- Currently its still sending out the wrong time,
- Can be done following
- AI: Gerald to follow up
- Pull request with change created:
Trademark Issue
- AI: Gerald to follow up
GDPR Update
Doug notes that for those having issues with "other" on onetrust form in some browsers has been fixed. Suggests implementing a workflow involving GDPR officers to ensure user identity deletion via a p.o.o. ticketing system. The tool facilitates validations, ensuring compliance and proper handling of privacy-related processes.
Proposal for Permanent Records of Banned Persons
- Establish permanent records for banned individuals to ensure
consistency and transparency in enforcement.
- Current decisions rely on collective memory, which is unreliable over time.
- Records should be maintained and accessible to moderators, the board
and membership officials.
Proposal for openSUSE Ban Process Regulation
- The openSUSE community upholds a strict code of conduct to ensure a
respectful and productive environment. Bans may be issued for violations, escalating from temporary bans to permanent and lifetime bans.
** Temporary Bans: Issued for initial or minor infractions, typically
lasting up to three months.
** Six-Month Bans: Serve as a clear warning that any further
violations will result in a permanent ban.
** Permanent Bans: Imposed for repeated or severe violations.
Individuals may apply for reinstatement after one year; however, reinstatement is not guaranteed and subject to Board review.
** Lifetime Bans: Reserved for the most egregious violations,
including but not limited to harassment, ban evasion, and misuse of resources. Lifetime bans are irrevocable.
* What about Revoking memberships? * What about Revoking IDP Account access? If so, how does it affect
people who need it for their job?
- A final warning may precede a permanent ban, making clear the
consequences of further infractions. All bans are documented to ensure transparency and consistency in enforcement.