Archive:Board meeting 2024-04-08

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  • Present: Doug, Gerald, Gertjan, Simon, Neal
  • Missed: Patrick
  • Minutes by: Simon
  • Guests: Bernhard Wiedemann, Georg P.


  • IRC bridged to matrix, but not discord
  • Simon has been monitoring ... and found not need for moderation for the time being.
  • (More Information and the establishment of some processes let to revisiting the topic and ultimately escalated to moderations & banning)


  • Email thread involving board@ on a specific request re "desire to be forgotten"
  • Doug has asked for a general solution to involve a account (instead of a third party)
  • AI: Doug is going
  • Multiple IDP tickets not receiving action currently.
  • AI: Gerald escalating with SUSE IT
  • Update after meeting: Initial ticket resolved, following up.

Bugzilla contact

  • Consensus yet to be reached.
  • SD Ticket still has no movement.
  • AI: Doug to Escalate
  • Discussion around long term plan for the broader issue.

Foundation infra to support?

  • Look to move AWS donated resources to the Foundation
  • Maybe setup a VM Host Server so Heroes have the option of moving some VM's if they wish to.

Governance model discussion

  • Slowly moving, will be the focus of the upcoming Face to Face.

Conference presentation

Next Meeting

  • Probably Thursday in two weeks, time to be confirmed and sent to Lists.

private part of meeting

  • Status membership officials