Archive:Board meeting 2023-02-13
Board Meeting Monday 2023-02-13 13:00 CET
- Present: Gerald, Syds, Patrick, Knurpht, Doug, Maurizio, Neal
- Excused:
- Missed:
- Guests: Bittin (Luna), Axel, Stefan B
Update from Patrick
- Patrick makes a presentation to the Board with observations and reality checks regarding the foundation topic.
- Makes some suggestions on what could/should be done and also presents what he already did.
- Patrick: At the moment the status is at very early stage: In order to kick start the real work on a foundation I have created the skeleton of a non-for-profit business "The Geeko Foundation" in the UK. I chose the UK because it was a simple process to register and low cost too. It can be moved to another legal jurisdiction if required, however I felt having something now was very important.
- The registration process is now complete, and there should have a placeholder page on
- A bank account is in place.
- Geeko Foundation plans to sponsor the openSUSE Conference - with hopefully more events throughout the year.
private: Conflict Resolution
Meeting closed at 14:30 CET