Archive:Board meeting 2021-11-22
Board Meeting Minutes 2021-11-22, 1300CET
Attendees: Bill, Neal, Doug, Gerald, Simon, Syds, Vinz, Axel
Excused: Gertjan
Minutes: Axel
General Topics
Q from Bill - would Board consider BBB as alternatve to Jitsi?
A: Board prefers OpenSource over proprietary, and maintained over unmaitained. As we currently have an openSUSE Instance of Jitsi, we use this. Given technical challenges with Jitsi the last couple of months, we would not mind using BBB if available.
Gerald: How can we better announce Public board meetings? Invitation mail contains link to ticket database, so public items are public visible. In case no public points are to discuss, the board may still meet for non-discloseable items.
Board election: Today is last day for candidates. Currently we have only two candidates, board encourages community to vote. (Note: In between we added 2 more weeks to candidate period, according to our election rules)
Memberships: Some members still waiting for their membership approval (Currently 9 applications open). Lack of working member database has been impacting teams - kudos to Christian/Heroes for getting the new system up and running. Board to approach membership and election officials to not start voting process unless pending memberships are approved
Public part closed at 13:38 CET