Archive:Board meeting 2021-04-12
Minutes of openSUSE Board meeting 2021-04-12, 1300 CEST
Attendees: Axel, Gertjan, Gerald, Neal, Simon, Syds, Vinz
Meeting Minutes: Simon
- Please note some tickets on mentioned in these
minutes may only be accesable by members of the board.
To More Serious business:
Moving people off moderation
- The Boards impression was that Heroes will automatically do this
after the time has elapsed
- This doesn't seem to have been happening
- AI: Gertjan to raise.
- As a board we want to look at look at the rules around mailing list
usage, to put them more in line with other communications platforms (Forums, Discord etc)
- AI: add to next meeting agenda - Maybe special topic meeting next week.
- AI: Gertjan - talk to Sasi who sets policies for many other places
about joining the meeting
- Further work on two ongoing conflicts raised with the board,
and closing a third.
Defer Foundation + Emeritus Membership until a future meeting - Don't have time today.
Public Board meetings
- Start meetings in public channel and move to private to discuss
private issues..
- Trial for 2 months
- If members wish to discuss a topic or ask questions add it to the
agenda atleast by the Thurs before the meeting to help with planning.
- Possibly use ticketing system to create agenda.
- If we do this trial it in private for a few meetings to get it
right first.
- Due to urgency in some cases we may need to prioritize private
topics over public.
- AI: Neal to announce -
- Next two meetings will trial the ticketing system in private meetings
- May 24th Trial first public meetings.
FSF Topic
- Add explicit note about when it went out
- Add note that we will not be sponsoring the FSF
(Vinz needs to leave)
- Vote on whether we still post to news.o.o 4-1 in favor.
- AI: Gerald to talk to Doug with regards to sending this out
AI: Axel Update bot reminder (Done)
AI: Neal to Eat breakfast (Yes I expect this gets a ticket along with all AI's in the ticketing system)