Archive:Board meeting 2021-01-06
Start: 2100h CET
End: 2240h CET
Present: Axel, Gerald, Gertjan, Marina, Neal, Simon, Stasiek, Vinz
Minutes: Vinz
1. Welcome new board members
Gerald welcomed new members of the board (Gertjan, Neal), thanked the leaving ones Marina and Stasiek for their work.
2. Communications
2.1 Update board mailing list
New board members were added to private board mailing list. The archive for board mailing list is non-existant for privacy reasons. Former board members will be removed from board mailing list after the meeting
2.2 Wiki pages
Board wiki pages are partially updated already, new board members will add themselves. There are duplicates that should get merged
- AI Axel: Update Board history page
- AI Gerald: Merge openSUSE_talk:Board_meetings into general Board Meetings page.
2.3 Telegram group
For convenience and privacy reasons a new group is made for Board 2021.
- AI Vinz: Setup group, invite all board members, make them admins
2.4 Update on treasurer
The board elaborated the situation around finances, travel support program and handling of sponsorship.
- AI Simon: Talk to Andrew Wafaa about the treasurer role
2.5 Obligatory Face2face meeting
This is not going to happen anytime soon for obvious reasons.
3. Complaints
3.1 Recent history
Gerald gave an brief overview on the recent complaints happening and being handled by the board, respectively parts of the board.
3.2 Status & next steps
The board agrees on keep going the route of handling behavior (and the resulting conflicts) in the community.
4. Brief update from Gerald on recent changes at SUSE
5. Slot for this meeting going forward
The board agrees on 2100h CET on Mondays at a bi-weekly schedule. First meeting will happen on January 18th 2021.
- AI Axel: Set up the meeting email reminder accordingly