Archive:Board meeting 2020-08-18
openSUSE Board meeting 2020-08-18 08:00 CEST
Present: Axel, Gerald, Marina, Vinz
Excused: Simon
Minutes: Gerald
References to non-public SUSE tools
- Recently Jira and Confluence, for example.
- Gerald points out some of those went from being "unknown unknowns" to "known unknowns", so while there's work to do, things are moving towards more transparancy.
- AI Gerald to relay to "Close the Leap Gap" meeting on Fridays
- status quo is understood, but what's the roadmap?
- what workarounds can be put in place?
- On a related note Marina is now attending the openSUSE release engineering meetings somewhat regularly.
- Vinz prepared a Wiki portal based on original presentation by Axel and input by others.
- Mail has gone out on August 7th.
- Not a lot of reactions, aka mostly silence
- Hopefully more due to vacation period than lack of interest?
- AI Vinz to follow up on project@
SUSE Keynote at openSUSE conference
- Doug and Marina discussed, the two of them and Gerald brainstorming and checking out options.
- We tried it this meeing, and it worked like a charm.
- Big thanks to Marco and the Azubis!
Next call: same slot in two weeks = September 1st, 8:00 CEST