Archive:Board meeting 2020-02-18
Board meeting 2020-02-18
Attendees: Axel, Christian, Gerald (chairhuman), Marina, Simon
Extra topic from Christian
- Christian noted he was contemplating to step down from the board in protest, and explained the reasons.
- Other board members indicated they would be sad to see him leave and valued his perspective.
- Christian asked for three more days to take his final decision.
Backfill board seat
- Axel+Marina: wait until Christian's decision.
openSUSE.Asia Summit
- Good and serious proposal
- In general the effort from the board is really low, the local community is always working extremely well with budget, sponsorship, organization
- The board should consider to increase the budget for the TSP.
- SUSE is generally reinvesting the extra budget directly in the TSP.
- General agreement from the board, just minor details like starting time, currency, public transportation
- AI: Gerald will reply to the team.
openSUSE Foundation
- Next activities from the SUSE side to initiate after Hack Week.
- AI: Gerald to reach out to Thomas
- AI: all - review and reply to Simon's proposal.
face 2 face meeting
- Germany probably is the best option.
- Timeframe: April-May
- OSCAL May 16 - 17, 2020 could be an option
- Weekends seem better
- AI: Marina - create a doodle
- AI: Marina share jitsi info from TDF and link 2020 LibreOffice events to openSUSE
- AI: Gerald request missing minutes from Gertjan