Archive:Board meeting 2020-02-04

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Minutes of Board call 2020-02-04 2200CET

Participants (in alphabetical order)


Gerald opened the session and welcomed the new and old board members


  • timeslot for calls
  • Planning F2F meeting
  • Ideas and proposal for the anniversary
  • Businesscards
  • Hardware/Migration
  • Foundation & Trademark items

Timeslot for calls

Agreement on timeslot for board calls - we will keep 2200h CET every other Tuesday

Planning F2F meeting

We need to find a weekend for a Face2Face meeting of the board. openSUSE Conf in October is too far away.
Potentially 4/5 Apr?
oScal in Tirana? (, May 16-17)

  • Everyone to check calendars until next board call....

Ideas and proposal for the anniversary

Several events planned during the year. oS should join events with local community if possible. LatAm Conference in June/Mexico appreciates this!

  • Put link to LO events onto oS wiki (Marina)


During fosdem 2020 and following OpenForum Europe Events it became obvious that we need some business cards for board members.

  • Simon to reach out to marketing dept (VCF as qr-code?)


Gerald reminded Christian as part of Heroes: Please share your needs for hardware rather sooner than later


Jitsi is proposed on an own instance.
oS Groups on Discourse discuss own matrix instance, including Jitsi server

  • Marina to ask if we can try TDF instance & get details for setup.

Hardware Transfer

Hardware transfer needs to be pushed as well.Working on transfer of forums from Provo.
SSO is widely used in NUE by SUSE as well (bugzilla, open- and SUSE forums, OBS,..)

  • Gerald committed to arrange for new forum license

Foundation & Trademark items

Simon has started a draft on understanding/paramters/wishes on Foundation from the openSUSE side.

  • AI board members: please review

Gerald seeking to get something similar reflecting the position from the SUSE perspective. Those two then shall be a base for discussions between openSUSE and SUSE.

Call closed at 2020-02-05 0010CET