Archive:Board meeting 2019-11-12
Present: Gertjan, Simon, Axel, Gerald, Christian
Absent with notice: Marina
Name vote
- the board is happy that we got a clear result
- future votes will always have an abstain option (Action: Gerald will announce this on the project ML)
openSUSE trademarks
- Gerald will ask SUSE Legal to write a contract draft for the openSUSE trademarks so that the foundation can use them.
- the contract should allow long-term / permanent permissions to use the trademarks
- ideally, transfering the trademarks to the foundation in the future should be possible
Forum move
- we are still waiting for the forums database dump. Gerald will escalate this with MF-IT.
- Gerald is invited to a EU panel discussion in Brussels, he'll send the questions to board@ to get some input
- Simon reported that kangaroos enjoy having fun[tm] with cars (running into or jumping onto them), and aren't easy to cook