openSUSE:KDE openSUSE modifications
Modifications of KDE in openSUSE
This page lists modifications done to KDE packages done by the openSUSE KDE team. Problems related to these should be reported in Novell Bugzilla, problems that do not have high importance that are not only openSUSE-specific should be reported directly in the KDE Bugzilla.
- Hint about pixel size when resizing panels
- Addition of "Plain Desktop" Plasma containment
- Configurable button order in Lock/Lockout plasmoid
- Ask whether a default panel is wanted when adding a panel on empty desktop
- Kickoff/Classic start menus: "Newly Installed" applications category
- Kickoff/Classic start menus: collapsing of application menu sub-folders with only one entry
- Adding/packaging of kbstate, spacer and weather plasmoids not part of KDE release (11.1 only)
- Shows "Configure Plasma..." in desktop cashew of non-zoomed containment (11.2)
- On-demand package installation (11.3)
- "Low Disk Space" notifier
- New kio_sftp based on libssh (11.2)
- KMix: patched autostart behavior
- the 'Multiple Monitors' module in Systemsettings (11.1, 11.2)
- Konsole - Super User Mode
- Dolphin - Super User Mode