openSUSE:Java RPM Macros

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The RPM macros for Java packages came from jpackage project, so this naming and a structure is the same as on the other rpm-based distributions.

RPM macros

Those macros are mostly defined in the following packages:

  • jpackage-utils (<= openSUSE 12.3)
  • javapackages-tools (>= openSUSE Leap 42.1)

Don't forget add it to BuildRequires tag!


Root directory where all Java VMs/SDK/JREs are installed.

%_jvmdir	%{_libdir}/jvm


Root directory where all Java VMs/SDK/JREs expose their jars

%_jvmjardir	%{_libdir}/jvm-exports


Root directory for all Java VM/SDK/JRE's private things.

%_jvmprivdir	%{_libdir}/jvm-private


Root directory for all architecture dependent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmlibdir	%{_prefix}/lib/jvm


Root directory for all architecture independent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmdatadir	%{_datadir}/jvm


Root directory for all configurations parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmsysconfdir	%{_sysconfdir}/jvm


Root directory for all common architecture dependent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmcommonlibdir	%{_prefix}/lib/jvm-commmon


Root directory for all common architecture independent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmcommondatadir	%{_datadir}/jvm-commmon


Root directory for all common configurations parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's

%_jvmcommonsysconfdir	%{_sysconfdir}/jvm-commmon


Directory where arch and version independent jars are installed. This has already been integrated in RH macros following our request.

By extension:

  • %{_javadir}-ext: - version dependent jars
  • %{_javadir}-x.y.z: - jars for Java standard x.y.z (usually symlinks to  %{_javadir}-ext)
  • %{_javadir}-utils: - Java-related scripts

To simplify things only %{_javadir} is defined.

%_javadir        %{_datadir}/java


Directory where arch-specific (JNI) version-independent jars are installed.

By extension:

  • %{_jnidir}-ext: - version dependent jars
  • %{_jnidir}-x.y.z:- jars for Java standard x.y.z (usually symlinks to %{_jnidir}-ext)

To simplify things only %{_jnidir} is defined.

%_jnidir        %{_libdir}/java


Root directory where all javadoc is installed. Also already in RH macros.

%_javadocdir     %{_datadir}/javadoc


Current default JVM home.

%java_home      %(. %{_javadir}-utils/java-functions; set_jvm; echo $JAVA_HOME)

default Java commands

%ant            JAVA_HOME=%{java_home} ant
%jar            %{java_home}/bin/jar
%java           %(. %{_javadir}-utils/java-functions; set_javacmd; echo $JAVACMD)
%javac          %{java_home}/bin/javac
%javadoc        %{java_home}/bin/javadoc


add_jvm_extension should be used in %install by extension packages to declare what extension jars they provide.

For example a package that provides foo.jar which is the bar extension under java 1.2 and 1.3 should do a:

... # create foo.jar in %{javadir}-ext
%add_jvm_extension  foo bar 1.2 1.3
%add_jvm_extension JAVA_LIBDIR=%{buildroot}/%{_javadir} %{_bindir}/jvmjar -l


Directory for maven depmaps

%_mavendepmapdir /etc/maven
%_mavendepmapfragdir /etc/maven/fragments


add_to_depmap adds an entry to the depmap. The arguments are:

  • %1 the original groupid
  • %2 the original artifact id
  • %3 the version
  • %4 the new groupid
  • %5 the new artifactid
%add_to_maven_depmap() \
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mavendepmapfragdir}\
cat >>$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mavendepmapfragdir}/%{name}<< EOF\


update_maven_depmap updates the main maven depmap

%update_maven_depmap() \
echo -e "<dependencies>\\n" > %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\
if [ -d %{_mavendepmapfragdir} ] && [ -n "`find %{_mavendepmapfragdir} -type f`" ]; then\
cat %{_mavendepmapfragdir}/* >> %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\
echo -e "</dependencies>\\n" >> %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\