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Integrating with Active Directory as authentication and authorization source is a frequent use case in mixed Linux and Windows environments. Winbind, a component of Samba, provides not only the necessary integration with AD but also a PAM module to authenticate and authorize Linux users

This HOWTO uses Samba 3.6


Integrating with Active Directory as authentication and authorization source is a frequent use case in mixed Linux and Windows environments. Winbind, a component of Samba, provides not only the necessary integration with AD but also a PAM module to authenticate and authorize Linux users.


Integrating with Active Directory

Configuring Winbind on SLES

Join Active Directory domain

Step Notes Screenshot

Start YaST

Start YaST


Select "Network Services" > "Windows Domain Membership

YaST: "Network Services" > "Windows Domain Membership"

3. Fill in domain details

YaST: Active Directory domain details


Expert Settings

  • The default settings are usually acceptable
  • Press "F10" to save changes

YaST: Expert Settings


NTP configuration

YaST: NTP configuration


Initiate the domain join process

YaST: Join AD Domain


Enter the Administrator password to join

YaST: Enter AD Administrator password

Generic testing of the AD domain membership

What domain are we joined with?::

# wbinfo --own-domain

Get the domain controller for domain INTEROP::

# wbinfo --getdcname=interop

Test the availability of the domain controller::

# wbinfo --ping-dc
checking the NETLOGON dc connection succeeded

Get information about the domain::

# wbinfo -D interop
Name              : INTEROP
Alt_Name          : ad.demo.lan
SID               : S-1-5-21-3024407125-199061201-3884299293
Active Directory  : Yes
Native            : Yes
Primary           : Yes

List AD users::

# wbinfo -u

List AD groups::

# wbinfo -g
INTEROP\domain computers
INTEROP\domain controllers
INTEROP\schema admins
INTEROP\enterprise admins
INTEROP\cert publishers
INTEROP\domain admins
INTEROP\domain users
INTEROP\domain guests
INTEROP\group policy creator owners
INTEROP\ras and ias servers
INTEROP\allowed rodc password replication group
INTEROP\denied rodc password replication group
INTEROP\read-only domain controllers
INTEROP\enterprise read-only domain controllers
INTEROP\domain remote desktop users
INTEROP\sles web users

Successfull login attempt::

# wbinfo --pam-logon=Administrator%MYSECRET
plaintext password authentication succeeded

Login attempt with an unknown user::

# wbinfo --pam-logon=Admin%MYSECRET
plaintext password authentication failed
error code was NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER (0xc0000064)
error message was: No such user
pam_logon failed for gnyers%asdfsadf

Login attempt with an incorrect password::

# wbinfo --pam-logon=Administrator%IncorrectPassword
plaintext password authentication failed
error code was NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD (0xc000006a)
error message was: Wrong Password
pam_logon failed for Administrator%asdfsadf

Use Active Directory for authentication

PAM and login

Without any changes, Active Directory can be used as authentication source. If the user directory is not available, pam_winbind will also create it.

# tail -f /var/log/messages  | grep login
Mar 10 21:05:13 interop01 login[3039]: pam_winbind(login:auth): getting password (0x00000390)
Mar 10 21:05:13 interop01 login[3039]: pam_winbind(login:auth): pam_get_item returned a password
Mar 10 21:05:13 interop01 login[3039]: pam_winbind(login:auth): user 'INTEROP\Administrator' granted access
Mar 10 21:05:13 interop01 login[3039]: pam_winbind(login:account): user 'INTEROP\administrator' granted access

Counter proof, trying to log in with incorrect password:

Mar 10 21:12:31 interop01 login[2651]: pam_winbind(login:auth): getting password (0x00000390)
Mar 10 21:12:31 interop01 login[2651]: pam_winbind(login:auth): pam_get_item returned a password
Mar 10 21:12:31 interop01 login[2651]: pam_winbind(login:auth): request wbcLogonUser failed: WBC_ERR_AUTH_ERROR, PAM error: PAM_AUTH_ERR (7), NTSTATUS: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE, Error message was: Logon failure
Mar 10 21:12:31 interop01 login[2651]: pam_winbind(login:auth): user 'INTEROP\Administrator' denied access (incorrect password or invalid membership)
Mar 10 21:12:31 interop01 login[2651]: FAILED LOGIN 2 FROM /dev/tty1 FOR INTEROP\administrator, Authentication failure

SASL and Kerberos enabled applications

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is a framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols. It decouples authentication mechanisms from application protocols, in theory allowing any authentication mechanism supported by SASL to be used in any application protocol that uses SASL.

Even Unix users may "impersonate" AD users:

# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
# klist
klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)
# kinit Administrator
Password for Administrator@AD.DEMO.LAN: 
# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: Administrator@AD.DEMO.LAN

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/10/13 23:54:15  03/11/13 09:54:23  krbtgt/AD.DEMO.LAN@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15

using ldapsearch with SASL authentication:

# ldapsearch -h -b 'cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=demo,dc=lan' -LLL '(givenname=interop)' cn
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username: Administrator@AD.DEMO.LAN
SASL data security layer installed.
dn: CN=Interop Demo,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=demo,DC=lan
cn: Interop Demo

Note: the Kerberos cache now stores a ticket for the LDAP service

# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: Administrator@AD.DEMO.LAN

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/10/13 23:54:15  03/11/13 09:54:23  krbtgt/AD.DEMO.LAN@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15
03/10/13 23:54:34  03/11/13 09:54:23  ldap/win200864@
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15
03/10/13 23:54:34  03/11/13 09:54:23  ldap/win200864@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15

The Samba tool smbclient supports Kerberos authetication:

# smbclient -k //win200864/Share 
OS=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 6.1]
smb: \> dir
  .                                   D        0  Thu Jan 10 16:41:52 2013
  ..                                  D        0  Thu Jan 10 16:41:52 2013
  New Text Document.txt               A      813  Thu Jan 10 16:41:52 2013
  This document is created on the dc.txt.txt      A       50  Fri Oct 19 23:01:55 2012

                40857 blocks of size 1048576. 28362 blocks available
smb: \> exit

And again, the Kerberos ticket cache is growing:

# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: Administrator@AD.DEMO.LAN

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/10/13 23:54:15  03/11/13 09:54:23  krbtgt/AD.DEMO.LAN@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15
03/10/13 23:54:34  03/11/13 09:54:23  ldap/win200864@
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15
03/10/13 23:54:34  03/11/13 09:54:23  ldap/win200864@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15
03/10/13 23:59:31  03/11/13 09:54:23  cifs/win200864@AD.DEMO.LAN
        renew until 03/11/13 23:54:15

Other Samba tools supporting Kerberos authentication:

  • smbcacls
  • smbcquotas

Use Active Directory for authorization

Create group in Active Directory

Execute this on the AD domain controller to create "SLES Shell Users", which will be used to restrict interactive access on SLES systems:

C:\Users\Administrator > dsadd group
"cn=SLES Shell Users,cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=demo,dc=lan"
-secgrp yes
-scope g
-desc "Users with shell access on SLES systems"

Restrict shell access to a specific group

The YaST *Windows Domain Membership* module is not yet capable of configuring restrictions to shell access based on an Active Directory group. To achieve this, the ``require_membership_of`` parameter must be manually set in ``/etc/security/pam_winbind.conf``.

Allow only members of the group "SLES Shell Users"::

# egrep -v "^[;#]|^$" /etc/security/pam_winbind.conf   
  cached_login = yes
  krb5_auth = yes
  krb5_ccache_type = FILE
  debug = yes
  cached_login = yes
  require_membership_of = "SLES Shell Users"

Testing pam_winbind authentication

Without restrictions on shell access

Oct 28 21:08:18 interop02 login[7814]: pam_winbind(login:auth): getting password (0x00000390)
Oct 28 21:08:18 interop02 login[7814]: pam_winbind(login:auth): pam_get_item returned a password
Oct 28 21:08:18 interop02 login[7814]: pam_winbind(login:auth): user 'interop\demo' granted access
Oct 28 21:08:18 interop02 login[7814]: pam_winbind(login:account): user 'demo' granted access

After activating restrictions to allow shell access only to the members of AD group "SLES Shell Users"

Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): [pamh: 0x60b020] ENTER: pam_sm_authenticate (flags: 0x0000)
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): getting password (0x000003d1)
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): pam_get_item returned a password
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): Verify user 'interop\demo'
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): CONFIG file: require_membership_of 'SLES Shell Users'
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): CONFIG file: krb5_ccache_type 'FILE'
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling krb5 login flag
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling cached login flag
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling request for a FILE krb5 ccache
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): no sid given, looking up: SLES Shell Users
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): request wbcLogonUser failed: WBC_ERR_AUTH_ERROR, PAM error: PAM_AUTH_ERR (7), NTSTATUS: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE, Error message was: Logon failure
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): user 'interop\demo' denied access (incorrect password or invalid membership)
Oct 28 21:11:48 interop02 login[7887]: pam_winbind(login:auth): [pamh: 0x60b020] LEAVE: pam_sm_authenticate returning 7 (PAM_AUTH_ERR)

Confirmation of restricted access: login with a user that is member of the AD group "SLES Shell Users"

Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): [pamh: 0x60b020] ENTER: pam_sm_authenticate (flags: 0x0000)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): getting password (0x000003d1)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): pam_get_item returned a password
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): Verify user 'interop\administrator'
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): CONFIG file: require_membership_of 'SLES Shell Users'
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): CONFIG file: krb5_ccache_type 'FILE'
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling krb5 login flag
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling cached login flag
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): enabling request for a FILE krb5 ccache
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): no sid given, looking up: SLES Shell Users
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): request wbcLogonUser succeeded
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): user 'interop\administrator' granted access
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): request returned KRB5CCNAME: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_10001
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): Returned user was 'administrator'
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:auth): [pamh: 0x60b020] LEAVE: pam_sm_authenticate returning 0 (PAM_SUCCESS)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:account): [pamh: 0x60b020] ENTER: pam_sm_acct_mgmt (flags: 0x0000)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:account): user 'administrator' granted access
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:account): [pamh: 0x60b020] LEAVE: pam_sm_acct_mgmt returning 0 (PAM_SUCCESS)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:setcred): [pamh: 0x60b020] ENTER: pam_sm_setcred (flags: 0x0002)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:setcred): PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED not implemented
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:setcred): [pamh: 0x60b020] LEAVE: pam_sm_setcred returning 0 (PAM_SUCCESS)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:session): [pamh: 0x60b020] ENTER: pam_sm_open_session (flags: 0x0000)
Oct 28 21:12:55 interop02 login[7905]: pam_winbind(login:session): [pamh: 0x60b020] LEAVE: pam_sm_open_session returning 0 (PAM_SUCCESS)

Accessing Windows file shares

Access Windows share using smbclient

With plain username and password::

# smbclient -U 'Administrator%MYSECRET' //win200864/Share 

Using a credentials file::

# smbclient -A /root/.smb.credentials //win200864/Share
Domain=[INTEROP] OS=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 6.1]
smb: \>

Mounting a Windows share


# mount -o username=Administrator,password=MYSECRET //win200864/Share /mnt/win200864-Share
Domain=[INTEROP] OS=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 6.1]
smb: \> 

From /etc/fstab during boot::

# grep win200864 /etc/fstab
//win200864/Share       /mnt/win200864-Share    cifs    credentials=/root/.smb.credentials      0 0

See Credentials file

From /etc/samba/smbfstab::

//win200864/Share2    /mnt/win200864-Share2     cifs    username=tridge,password=foobar

The ownership of file problem on a mounted Windows share


# ls -l /mnt/win200864-Share/
total 5
-rwxr-xr-x 0 root root 813 Jan 10 15:41 New Text Document.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 0 root root  50 Oct 19 21:01 This document is created on the dc.txt.txt

Please note that the users

Credentials file

The content of the credentials file::

# cat /root/.smb.credentials 

Make sure that the credentials file is only readable by root::

# ls -l /root/.smb.credentials 
-rw------- 1 root root 49 Mar  7 13:27 /root/.smb.credentials

See also:

  • mount.cifs(8)
  • cifs.idmap(8)
  • request-key.conf(5)

Provide a share for Windows clients

Access Samba shares from Windows

Available shares viewed from Windows

Please note: access to the Samba shares is transparent, that is: authentication of Administrator is conducted by Samba and AD, without the user needing to (re-)enter a password.

Write to a Samba share from Windows

Create a file on a Samba share from Windows


[TODO]: Mention other references